Article probably postponed

New York Times contacted me about my article. Apparently, Harriet Miers is more important. Anyway, it turns out I didn’t write an Entertainment piece, I wrote an Op-Ed piece. So what with Miers withdrawing, there may not be room on Saturday for something about James Bond.

I’ll be in Memphis over the weekend so I’ll just wait & see.

Update: Okay, definitely postponed. They’re still interested, but the SCOTUS dance has them distracted.


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    Okay, definitely postponed. Theyโ€™re still interested, but the SCOTUS dance has them distracted.

    Isn’t distraction exactly what BushCo was aiming for?

  2. deblipp says:

    Do you think that BushCo was aiming to postpone my article??

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    No–I think Daniel Craig was aiming to postpone your article.

  4. deblipp says:

    Oh. Well. If he saw an advance copy, then that would explain it.

    But, y’know, if Pierce saw an advance copy, somehow he’ll make sure it’s published.