I know I should be outraged, but…

I needed the laugh. And this made me laugh out loud.

God made the whack-jobs too. 🙂


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    It is pretty hilarious. I would laugh if I weren’t cowering in fear in San Francisco, now that Bill O’Reilly says we shouldn’t be protected from al Qaeda. 😉

  2. Barbs says:

    When dogs act like this they get taken out to the back shed and shot.

  3. deblipp says:

    When dogs act like this they get taken out to the back shed and shot.

    Which, by strange coincidence, is what Robertson wants done to Chavez.

    But the guy is just so funny. I say keep him. Give him a comedy show. Make him say these things to Sarah Silverman. 😀

  4. barbs says:

    If I am channelling old Pat i will have to stick a hot fork in my eye and twist it really hard.