Friday Kittenblogging

These were taken when I still liked the Gang of Two; y’know, before I caught Mingo peeing in my closet this morning.

Fanty & Mingo in a pile of blankets

Mingo likes to be upside-down

He really likes it!
Just hangin' around


  1. Barbs says:

    Maybe time to fix him

  2. Paula says:

    Seriously, try something called “Cat Attract” in the litter box. We used it with Lucy when we first got her & within 2 days, she got the idea. You can find it at Petsmart. There’s also a formula to get rid of the smell when kitties do bad things in bad places. Hope that helps….

  3. deblipp says:

    They’re really very good about the litter box, there haven’t been incidents in weeks until this one. He peed in an overturned box lid; size & shape of a litter box, and it had wrapping paper in it (I hide and wrap presents in the walk-in closet). I think it just confused him.

  4. Paula says:

    Well it’s good to know that you understand where his little mind was. Some people just don’t bother to try to understand what little furkids think….GREAT pictures, BTW…;)

  5. Terri says:

    Glad you can excuse a little kitty-accident. I foster abandoned kits/moms&kits, and you should just see the state of the carpet when Mom is training them. Or worse, when WE have to train them!

    As to upside-down — I recommend a book called ‘Why Cats Paint’. Explains a LOT!

  6. deblipp says:

    That’s a weird book! Mingo loves the upside-down. Watusi liked it, but not this much. Fanty can’t stand it. One of the great things about cats; they’re all so different from each other.