Socket covers

The room is painted. Really looks good. I mean, for an empty room with a couple of pieces of furniture shoved into the middle it does.

You have no idea how much stuff is in a room until it all gets moved into the hall.

Now I have to figure out what to do about the socket covers. Paint them? Buy sorta matching ones? Decide not to give a fuck? Decisions, decisions.


  1. Daven says:

    Paint them contrasting colors. That way you can see where they are at a glance.

    Try it with one, if the room is cream, paint one black and see what happens.

  2. deblipp says:

    Actually, that’s a great idea. The room is one wall of dark blue and 3 walls of pale gray, so I have two colors and can do the contrast very nicely.

  3. Avalon says:

    *waves hello* Old acquaintance from Mystic Wicks, just stopping by to say hi. I agree with the contrasting paint idea; buying fancy covers for them is unnecessary. ^_^

  4. Cathy says:

    Paint, shmaint. But while they are off you might as well insert the foam insulation pads before you screw them back on, especially if they are on exterior walls since they will help insulate the room.

  5. deblipp says:

    And hi to you, Avalon. Thanks for the input.

  6. deblipp says:

    But while they are off you might as well insert the foam insulation pads before you screw them back on, especially if they are on exterior walls since they will help insulate the room.

    Great idea! That room is BEASTLY cold in the winter and hot in the summer. (The new lined curtains, replacing vertical blinds, will also help.)

  7. Cathy says:

    Well, don’t expect TOO much from flimsy pieces of foam… 😉

    FWIW, when I lived in California the local utility came out to do an efficiency review, and left me a whole bunch of light bulbs and weather stripping and stuff (all for free). Might yours?

  8. deblipp says:

    It’s worth finding out.