Oops, I forgot to pack

Last night I dreamt that I was at Starwood and forgot to pack my tent. Variations on this theme are recurrent for me.

In the dream, I was talking to my friend Charlie when I realized I didn’t have my tent. Then I said, “Wait a minute, wait…” and he asked what was up and I explained that this was a recurrent dream for me, and I couldn’t figure out if this was real or not. He said he understood. I said it sure felt real, and I knew Starwood was close and I was thinking about it a lot, so that could mean it was a dream, or that could mean it was real. (In my dream logic, the fact that I knew in waking life that the event was about to happen somehow proved that it had happened.)

Since I was unable to figure out if it was a dream or not, I decided the safest course of action was to proceed as if it was real.

My brain scares me.


  1. Barbs says:

    heh, you will be sleeping in our pop=up but you still need your tent

  2. paula says:

    if you do forget your tent, we can drive you to Walmart…..’)

  3. deblipp says:

    Thanks for all the sleeping offers (in fact, in the dream, it was covered by ACE), but somehow the interesting part to me is how the dream had such a hold on me.

    I was thinking, this has GOT to be a dream, this is ALWAYS a dream. But I couldn’t get out of it. It felt so real and I kept thinking, what if it IS real?

    Also, not interesting so much as fucking dumb is the fact that I have recurring dreams of forgetting to pack for Starwood, and have done so for years.

  4. Ken says:

    Interesting – the fact that you’ve had this dream for years. I wonder if you actually did forget your tent one year if the dreams would stop….

    I kept trying to work in a joke about the old “forgetting your pants in school” dream, but then I couldn’t remember if Starwood was one of the clothing optional events, in which case the joke wouldn’t work…. 😉

  5. deblipp says:

    Starwood is clothing optional.

    It’s not always the tent. Sometimes I dream that I’ve forgotten to say hello to an old friend whom I only see at these events; like it’s been a year, and now we’re saying goodbye, and I never said hello.

    When I was pregnant I would dream that the baby was a week or two old but I had forgotten to feed it; it hadn’t nursed since being born.

    I think I have anxiety. You think?

  6. Ken says:

    Anxiety, you, much? Nahhhhhhhh

  7. Barbs says:

    My anxiety dreams have moved up from trying to dial a rotary phone and my finger slipping and having to start over
    trying to find web pages on the internet, and keep screwing up the web address

  8. Evn says:

    A couple of nights ago, I had a dream that I went through some kind of initiation into an occult society. Then I woke up. Later that day, I told a friend of mine about it. She suggested that in order to understand the dream, I should draw out a map of where I am now (psychologically), where I came from, and where I’m going. I told her this sounded like a really good idea, and that I would work on it.

    And *then* I woke up.

  9. deblipp says:

    LOL that’s a great punchline Evn! That’s exactly like what happened with Charlie.