Hello There

Many thanks to Deborah for the kind introduction, and for her gracious invitation to post here in her absence. I did promise not to rail against vodka martinis or argue that David Niven was the best Bond (I guess I can always do that at my own place), but otherwise I pretty much have free rein.

It’s a little intimidating writing for a new audience. I don’t know all that much about Wicca, and I know next to nothing about Bond (or so Deborah tells me), so I’m afraid two out of the three constituencies here are likely to be disappointed. I will, nevertheless, try to keep you all entertained in the meantime. I have no idea what people want to read; but then, when I stop to think about it, I realize this is true of my own blog as well. So I’ll just post stuff and hope y’all like it. And, um, see how that works.


  1. Roberta says:

    Me chiming in with all the little inside references just won’t have the same effect.

    (like, yeah, he really is the cutest nephew ever. Remember when Arthur was that little?)

    But good luck here anyway.

    –deb’s sister

  2. TehipiteTom says:

    Thanks! 🙂