Random Flickr-Blogging: IMG_7226

[Random Flickr-blogging explained. See also excellent contributions from Doug Hoffman, Dionne (scroll down on the right sidebar), KarenM, Debra, Jurassic Pork, Ben Varkentine, our very own Nobody in Particular, SAP, and Dan Wolf (who muses on the possibility of an audio equivalent of random Flickr-blogging).]

Originally uploaded by Mai Le.

I know this dream. I’ve had it lots of times. I’m in bed and for some reason there’s a whole bunch of people in my bedroom, people I barely know. And I’m supposed to be doing something, maybe this is a party and I’m the host, and I would if they would just leave the damn bedroom long enough for me to get up and get dressed.

It’s unsettling to see your dreams depicted in someone else’s photos. I have no idea what’s really going on here. Maybe it’s a movie set; maybe it’s Art; I don’t know. The weird disjunction between sleeper and people standing around goes unexplained.

[Cross-posted at If I Ran the Zoo]

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