Friday Kittenblogging: The Little Prince Edition

Today it’s The Little Prince edition of kittenblogging.

Every time I make the bed, all or part of the Gang must plant himherthemselves in the middle of things. Usually Mingo, and usually he waits until after the fitted sheet has been put on. I then proceed to fan out the top sheet as if there were no cat there. I’m fun that way.

Now, if I do this to Fanty, she looks up in horror at the sheet looming above her and runs away. But if I do this to Mingo, he just hangs out.

If you please, draw me a sheep
If you please, photograph me a kitten.

sheep closeup.jpg
The kitten you asked for is inside.


  1. Roberta says:

    I don’t understand. You’re out of town!

    Where the hell is Slurm???

  2. TehipiteTom says:

    Slurm is in the fridge, alas…Jody had to go out of town a while back, so into cold storage it went. I’ll see what I can do to make up for the slurmlessness. 😉

  3. what fun seeing you again @ starwood….so little prince is a cat? well well i thought the wise one in that story was a fox?

  4. deblipp says:

    Roberta, the Internet is magic.

    Dagmar, it was lovely to see you. I rather imagine my Mingo is playing the role of the Little Prince’s sheep in this photo.

  5. Roberta says:

    Or the boa constrictor.

  6. deblipp says:
