Big Dog gets hot

The transcript of the Clinton smackdown of Foxbot Chris Wallace is good, but if you want to really understand how awesome it was, watch the video.

Beautiful. Arousing, even. Oh, baby.

And if you’re not breathing heavy yet, watch Keith Olbermann’s “special comment” on it.

In the past few weeks I’ve despaired of posting anything political because I’ve been so aggravated at the lies, hypocrisy, justification of torture, and increasing racism that has become the norm in the Bush administration. But when the smart voices on the left speak up and speak strongly, well, I’m proud to be an American.


  1. Ben Gruagach says:

    Fox News isn’t happy that people are seeing this video. They’ve already gone after copies of it on YouTube.

  2. deblipp says:

    Yep, and it’s pretty unprecedented for news videos.

    They’re also telling all sorts of lies about Clinton’s performance. AND they sandbagged him, inviting him on with the promise that the interview would be entirely about Clinton’s Global Initiative charitable efforts.

  3. taijiya says:

    That was just beautiful. I laughed out loud when he called the smirking asshat on–well, on being a smirking asshat, essentially. Thanks for putting up the link.

  4. anne johnson says:

    I’ve been longing for a Keith Olberman. I’ve been dreaming of a Keith Olberman. For years. And years and years and years. In a purely political way, of course.

    Bill Clinton. Ah, I remember him fondly. I was making twice as much money when he was president as I am now. I thought my job was secure forever. Then along came Bushie.

    No one will EVER convince me that 9/11 was Clinton’s fault. Well, I shouldn’t say that. If they waterboard me I might change my mind.

  5. deblipp says:

    It was the one-two punch of the Gods, wasn’t it? Clinton and then KO’s commentary. I would gladly stain my dress for either of them!

  6. Amy says:

    >>No one will EVER convince me that 9/11 was Clinton’s fault.

  7. Amy says:

    Hm…and the rest of my comment was eatten…why? Silly comment system.

  8. deblipp says:

    Silly comments.

    But you’re right, Amy. The argument is foolish on the face of it. The only people swallowing it are those who cannot believe their tin god is actually responsible for ANYTHING.

  9. […] They can’t answer Clinton on substance, because the least amount of research proves him right. […]

  10. Ben Gruagach says:

    It looks like the people who post to YouTube are keeping well ahead of the Fox attempts to shut them up regarding Clinton’s smackdown interview.

    Check out the results of a search there for Clinton Fox:

    Lots of copies all over the place!

  11. Barbs says:

    Deb says :But you’re right, Amy. The argument is foolish on the face of it. The only people swallowing it are those who cannot believe their tin god is actually responsible for ANYTHING.

    Barbs says: I was just discussing this with the husband. all those who have supported anf beleived this crap are having trouble backing down, To admit that Bush was fooling then means that they now too are responcible. too much for some to handle

    How can we get those people to save face? if we can do that we can stop the insanity

  12. deblipp says:

    There’s an authoritarian psychological syndrome; people MUST believe their authority figures. John Dean talks about it in his new (apparently brilliant) book Conservatives Without Conscience. It’s about 30% of the populace. So that leaves 70% capable of waking the fuck up.

  13. A Tin God says:

    Please do not compare us to Bush.

  14. deblipp says:

    Please do not compare us to Bush.

    To what does this refer?