The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book

Here’s the scoop.

The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book is in Barnes and Noble now, in a special printing done just for B&N. The second printing will be out September 30th.

The special B&N printing was a bit rushed. The second printing will have a lengthy index, missing from the B&N printing, and it corrects a number of typos and formatting glitches.

So I’m torn. I want you flooding B&N and buying tons of copies of TUJBFB. On the other hand, I want you to wait a couple of weeks more and buy the best possible version.


  1. Barbs says:

    I’ll wait, I want the perfect version

  2. UNCLEagent says:

    Ill have one of each!

    (I wouldn’t do this for just anybody) 😛

  3. taijiya says:

    I think I will wait for the second printing. I’m a perfectionist like that. 🙂

  4. deblipp says:

    I don’t blame anyone for waiting. I despise typos. That’s why I posted the information.