What Disney Ride Are You?

What Disney Ride Are You?

Jungle Cruise

You’re boring, cheesy, and tame. You’re the jungle cruise!!

Personality Test Results

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  1. OhKen says:

    Splash Mountain

    You take a while to get going, but your climax is good and wet. You’re Splash Mountain!!

    There’s something … wrong … about that…..

  2. Evn says:

    I am Space Mountain. I am cold, dark, and max out at 27 mph.

    Well… yeah.

    I like this quiz much better than the Star Trek one, where I ranked Expendable Character in a Red Shirt. But I’m still clinging to being Wolverine in the X-Men quiz.

  3. deblipp says:

    Listen, anyone who tested out as Wolverine has it covered

    I kinda like being boring, cheesy, and tame. 😀

  4. CmdrSue says:

    I got Splash Mountain, too, and had the same reaction as OhKen. There’s just something… wrong… with that description.

    p.s. Wolvie rocks.

  5. Barbs says:

    I got Pirates of the Carrabean. Quelle Suprise

  6. deblipp says:

    Barb if you were any more Pirate, you’d have a pegleg.