Added to the Blogroll

Some famous and some not-famous blogs I recently decided I wanted to reside in my right-hand column (in alphabetical order):
Creek Running North
Fetch My Axe
Medical Reviews of House

UPDATE: All links fixed.


  1. sari0009 says:

    Links presently not working as given.

  2. Tom Hilton says:

    No, they’re not. For some reason, they all have the PoaL url in front of them.

  3. sari0009 says:

    Same links on the right column are working. I’m reading Hullabaloo now. Thanks.

  4. Roberta says:

    Okay and sorry for never knowing how to hyperlink in a comment but have you have you HAVE YOU checked out Marmaduke Explained?

  5. Roberta says:

    ooh lookey, it all hyperlinked for me.

  6. deblipp says:

    Marmaduke explained rocks. I should add that one.

  7. Roberta says:

    Keep reading them. It just gets funnier.

  8. sari0009 says:


    If I’m misinterpreting the tone and intent of your “ooh lookey” wording together with the emphasis on the word “for,” Roberta, I apologize beforehand.

    For clarity, I was saying thank you to Deb for the links offered, and not for someone doing everything for me.

    Connected to the links by deleting “” from each URI and hitting Enter…then thought to check them on the right as well.

    Goofy me.

  9. Roberta says:


    I wasn’t talking about Deb’s offered links at all. In my first comment (4) i said, as a disclaimer, that I don’t know how to put hyperlinks into comments but here is a link you must see, and I pasted the url.

    And when I posted it, it had magically transformed into a hyperlink. So I had no need of the original disclaimer. (the one where I said, sorry for never knowing how to hyperlink in a comment).

    So I immediately posted a follow-up comment (5) expressing my surprise and joy that this had occurred.

    Sorry for any confusing.

    the end by rkl.

  10. sari0009 says:

    Ahhh, okay. No problem. Thanks for responding!