Answers to Tuesday Trivia

Answers below the fold:

1. “I feel Italian and musical.”
BIG HINT: Spoken by Sean Connery.
Doctor No (unsolved) (He is discussing where to eat dinner.)

2. A man in a mask cooks with a frilly apron on.
V for Vendetta (solved by Jason)

3. A punk rocker from the Bronx affects a British accent and idolizes The Who.
Summer of Sam (solved by George)

4. The electrolysist falls in love with the dwarf.
BIG HINT: The dwarf is Peter Dinklage. The electrolysist is helping the main character with a hair problem.
Human Nature (solved by Ben Gruagach)

5. “You can’t go home again. But you can shop there.”
Grosse Point Blank (solved by Tom)

6. “I’m wearing a cardboard belt!”
The Producers (solved by Ken)

7. The escaped convict is identified by his brand of hair grease.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (solved by Ben Gruagach)


  1. oddjob says:

    For reasons I am not sure I understand, Chianti goes remarkably well with Witchcraft.

    Do please explain to a dabbler, if you would…………

  2. deblipp says:

    I’m not sure how to explain it. I used to drink a light white wine in ritual. Then a friend started bringing Chianti. Something about that strong, slightly acrid flavor is perfect for restoring the body after expending psychic energy.

  3. Amy says:

    Oh crap. I knew one AND two and just wasn’t paying attention.

    BTW, I’ve refined my opinion of “Angel.” I just gave up too soon. New opinion: Season five is the best thing ever. EVER. Including Moose Munch by Harry & David. I’ve totally reformed.

  4. deblipp says:

    Is Moose Munch the puppet episode? Awesome.

    Good for you for being open-minded. What I really suggest is you look past the funny demons (although, funny) and look at the morality. Much more complex than Buffy. Nature of evil, nature of adversary, meaning of redemption; heady stuff. Plus, funny.

  5. TehipiteTom says:

    BTW, I’ve refined my opinion of “Angel.” I just gave up too soon. New opinion: Season five is the best thing ever. EVER.

    I loved Season Five as well; Jody, not so much. (She loves Season Four, which for me is more of a ‘turgid supernatural soap opera’.) Glad you revised your opinion; you’re not wrong about the illogical and inconsistent nature of the ‘verse, as Deborah says it’s the emotional/moral level that makes it all worthwhile.

    And Deborah, how about some old movies next time? I suck at your trivia quizzes because everything is recent (i.e., made after I was born).

  6. deblipp says:

    Season 4 is my least favorite. I’ll see about old movies. 🙂