Holy Moley

Rumsfeld resigns.

I just watched some of the press conference. David Gregory asked if the election was a referendum on the war. Bush said, yes, the war, but other things as well. He said people want their representatives to be “honest and ethical.”

Whoa Nelly. Isn’t that like, admitting the Republican Congress was dishonest and unethical?

Why, yes, I think it was.


  1. Kathy says:

    “Whoa Nelly. Isn’t that like, admitting the Republican Congress was dishonest and unethical?

    Why, yes, I think it was.”


  2. OhKen says:

    Okay – that’s a nice glass of ice cold milk to go with the cupcakes with sprinkles……. 😉

  3. Dan says:

    In some countries in the good old days a fool like Rummy would be left alone in a room with a pistol with only 1 bullet in it.