Tuesday Trivia Time: 1/9

1. The customer doesn’t know if a computer accessory will work on his Mac. He also doesn’t know that the man talking to him will meet him at a hotel in the near future.
Hint: The star of this film is one of those comics-turned-dramatic-actors.

2. The American persuades the Englishman to trespass in a walled garden, where they find a lovely bench.
Solved by Melville.

3. A college student goes to a costume party dressed as a Freudian slip.
Solved by Amy.

4. “Why can’t you just be a good boy and die?” / “You first.”
Solved by Proteus.

5. She rows out to a lighthouse to paint, and that’s where she falls in love.
Solved by Evn.

6. He holds a jail hostage by threatening to blow it up with fake dynamite. (This is obscure.)
Hint: This little-known (but delightful) film features a remarkable cast, including an Oscar-winner who is also the father of a well-known Indie actor, an actress best-known for a Kubrick film, and an array of comic character actors (including Strother Martin) stealing their respective scenes .
Solved by George.

7. “My patients didn’t like my cough.”
Solved by Proteus.


  1. Daven says:

    I think #3 is Animal House

  2. deblipp says:

    But you would be wrong.

  3. Ken says:

    #4 – Tomorrow Never Dies – ? I know it’s a Bond…..

  4. Proteus says:

    #4 I believe is Goldeneye.

  5. Proteus says:

    #6 The Cherokee Kid
    # 7 The Doctor

  6. deblipp says:

    Proteus, you got #4, but #6 and 7 are wrong.

  7. Proteus says:

    #7 Tombstone

  8. deblipp says:

    Very good, Proteus. You got the character…but not the movie. You’re in the wrong decade.

  9. Tom Hilton says:

    Is #6 Fools’ Parade?

  10. Daven says:

    Right character, wrong decade for #7 would wind up with it being “Wyatt Earp”.

    But my trivia-fu has abandoned me.

  11. deblipp says:

    Neither Tom nor Daven has swish-bang trivia-fu today.

    Hints tomorrow.

  12. Proteus says:

    #7 Gunfight at the OK Corral KD as DH

  13. Melville says:

    #2 is Notting Hill

  14. Amy says:

    I know that #2 must be “Notting Hill,” so since Melville’s answer isn’t official yet I’m seconding that.

    #1 sounds sort of like “The Recruit,” only I don’t think that was a Mac or a hotel…just a computer and a bar. Dammit.

  15. Amy says:

    Is #3 “DOA”?

  16. deblipp says:

    Now we’re getting somewhere!

    Proteus, you win the Most Persistent award. That one gave you some trouble, but you figured it out!

  17. Evn says:

    Is #5 “A Stolen Life”?

  18. deblipp says:

    Oooh, Evn gets it with the inborn gay knowledge of Bette Davis!

  19. […] You all certainly pulled it out at the last minute yesterday. Only two movies left. Hints have been added. Filed under: Trivia — deblipp @ 10:12 am […]

  20. George says:

    OK, I cheated and IMDBed and Googled around with your clues, but #6 has to be The Flim-Flam Man. With George C. Scott the Oscar-winner and father of Indie actor Campbell Scott and Lolita herself Sue Lyon.

  21. deblipp says:

    Well, I made #6 cheatable, but I didn’t make it an easy cheat!

  22. Tom Hilton says:

    WAG: is #1 Shopgirl?

  23. deblipp says:

    It’s good as WAGs go, but wrong.

  24. Melville says:

    D’oh! How did I not get The Flim-Flam Man?! One of my favorite Scott movies, I watch it every time it comes up on T.V., which means I’ve seen it 15-20 times at least.

  25. deblipp says:

    Wow, Melville, I’ve only seen it like 3 times. Shame on you!

  26. Serenity says:

    IS number one the DaVinci Code?

  27. deblipp says:

    Sorry, Serenity, no. I’ll wait until California wakes up for final guesses, then I’ll post the answers.

  28. […] 2. The American persuades the Englishman to trespass in a walled garden, where they find a lovely bench. Notting Hill Solved by Melville. […]