A brief glimpse of my life

This is one of those “sorry blogging has been lame” posts.

I am working to finish editing The Study of Witchcraft. Essentially, I am double-checking every book in the bibliography to see if it’s still in print. This is…slow. And already overdue.

I am also furiously trying to finish my first pass at the Teen book before the summer, since summer is when Arthur will be able to do most of his writing.

I am trying to prepare for ConVocation. One of the workshops I’ve been asked to do is one I haven’t done in several years, so I should compile more elaborate notes than I actually have. Also I would like to look better than I do for an event, and I notice big hunky chunks of gray roots coming in, but the place where I get my hair done probably doesn’t have time for me until Tuesday and I leave Wednesday so that’s cutting it close.

I’m really busy at the day job. I brought work home.

Arthur is a pain in the ass. Wants to be driven all kinds of places, wants money every time I exhale, eats so much that I pretty much can’t leave the supermarket, and expects laundry and cooked meals to appear whenever I wiggle my nose.

So. Busy.

And I really want to get back to doing thoughtful, eloquent, ravelicious blogging. Someday soon.


  1. Chas Clifton says:

    Do you have Barb Davy’s “Introduction to Pagan Studies” in there? I think that it would be good for people aspiring to be teachers and leaders.

  2. Barbs says:

    teach him how to use the washer.

  3. deblipp says:

    Chas, I only found out about “Introduction to Pagan Studies” yesterday or the day before, so it didn’t make it in.

    Barbs, I wash and dry, he carries the hamper down and the clean laundry up. It’s pretty fair.