I feel naked

I left the house without earrings this morning. I feel totally undressed. And weird.

And normally I’d have gone back into the house and gotten the earrings. But it’s six degrees outside. And the thing is, if I’m late for work, I end up in the back of the parking lot. And it’s a looooong walk in six degree weather to the entrance to the building. Just for earrings.

It’s amazing. Every morning since this cold snap, I’ve been totally motivated to get to work on time.


  1. Barbs says:

    must stash earrings and make-up at work

  2. deblipp says:

    I keep a full set of makeup in the car, and at work I have a sewing kit, clear nail polish (for pantyhose) and dental floss. But I can’t recall the last time I actually forgot earrings, so I didn’t see a need!

  3. Ken says:

    I thought I posted, but it disappeared….. I find this blogpost a bit ironic after your posts about the consumerism in WNtW…..

  4. Tom Hilton says:

    I left the house without earrings this morning. I feel totally undressed. And weird.

    I always feel that way when I forget to put pants on in the morning.

    And I don’t see what y’all are complaining about, weather-wise. It rained here today, ferchrissake. 😉