Friday Catblogging: Convalescence

Probably the only good thing about Arthur’s long illness was that he got some quality time with the Gang of Two.

You know how sometimes you can’t get up because there’s a cat in your lap? In our family, we call that being “catted.” As in “Would you get the phone? I’m catted.”

Catted by Mingo

See how Fanty licks her nose? I can do that.
In the sunbeam


  1. Julienne says:

    Custest kitties. ever.

  2. deblipp says:

    I like to think so.

  3. Cathy says:

    You know how sometimes you can’t get up because there’s a cat in your lap? In our family, we call that being “catted.” As in “Would you get the phone? I’m catted.”

    Uh oh… Don’t let the cats get wind of this, or next thing you know, one will be on your lap, one will be on Arthur’s, and once they’ve got the whole household immobilized they’ll begin to issue demands…

  4. Mark Hazard says:

    Why would you want to lick Fanty’s nose??