I’ve got to remember to have a camera handy…

next time I make the bed. You guys have no idea what you just missed. Turns out pillowcases are evil and must be killed.


  1. paula says:

    does your camera have the ability to take a little video clip? You could set it up to catch the action, even post it on youtube….
    Just a thot…

  2. deblipp says:

    Actually, I have the video feature, but with my lameass dial-up connection, it doesn’t seem practical.

  3. OhKen says:

    You have more fun. In my house blankets are evil and must be urinated on….. Not so much fun.

  4. deblipp says:

    Mingo kills blankets.

    Fanty pees in my suitcase.

    Life is…complicated.