Tuesday Trivia: Orgasms

1. A woman has an orgasm in the act of performing for a man who doesn’t notice because he is watching TV.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).

2. A woman has an orgasm when excited by a man who doesn’t notice because he is innocent and interested only in flying.
Solved by Ben (comment #5).

3. A woman has a fake orgasm in public.
Solved by Evn (comment #1).

4. A teenage girl slips out of an open dorm room to masturbate to orgasm in the hall.
HINT: A gay satire.
Solved by Evn (comment #8).

5. A woman and a man are in bed together, the man has a leg suspended in a cast. When the woman discovers that the man isn’t really all that injured, she moans his name aloud in pleasure.
HINT: One-word title.

6. A man masturbates in the shower, meanwhile narrating the experience for the audience.
Solved by Evn (comment #2).

7. “Ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I’ve found you!”
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).


  1. Evn says:

    #3 is When Harry Met Sally.

  2. Evn says:

    …and #6 is American Beauty.

  3. Roberta says:

    #1 is Being There.
    #7 of course, is Young Frankenstein. Oh, Madeline…

  4. George says:

    If I keep at it, I’m sure one of the answers will come to me.

  5. Ben says:

    I think # 2 is Brewster McCloud.

  6. deblipp says:

    Good call, Ben, that’s pretty obscure!

  7. Roberta says:

    (I got multiple orgasms!)

  8. Evn says:

    Is #4 But I’m a Cheerleader?

  9. deblipp says:

    Evn, yes, and the scene was also featured in This Film Is Not Yet Rated.

  10. Melville says:

    This is a guess, since I don’t remember the moment you describe, but could #5 be Misery?

  11. deblipp says:

    Not a bad guess, Mel, but not what I’m looking for.

    Answers tomorrow.

    I think George can get #5.

  12. George says:

    Yikes, I’ve been called out. Well, it’s the Bond, since we haven’t had one in this puzzle yet and it seems like a Bondian moment of rising to the occasion even while “wounded” but I don’t know which…Thunderball?

  13. deblipp says:

    Nice guess but wrong. I’ll post the answers in a few minutes.

  14. Roberta says:

    I’m really impressed as to what a good guess Misery was.

  15. Melville says:

    Thank you! 🙂