Tuesday Trivia: Songs

1. Thinking herself alone on the beach, she sings while he secretly watches. Then he sings the next line.
Solved by Ben (comment #14).

2. A parade through Chicago with the title character singing from a float in the lead.
Solved by Evn (comment #1).

3. In order to sell sheet music, they perform songs in the music store. He sings it up-tempo, then she takes over and sings it as a ballad.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).

4. He sings to a bunch of French children as a way of teaching them English.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).

5. They sing about their marriage while staring blankly into TV monitors.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).

6. In this film adaptation of a Broadway hit, a song that was cut from the film version can be heard playing on the radio in the main characters’ apartment.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).

7. They dance to the song while on line to collect their Unemployement checks.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).


  1. Evn says:

    #2 is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Is #6 The Producers?

  2. deblipp says:

    #2 yes, #6 no.

  3. Roberta says:

    Is #3 In the Good Old Summertime?
    or Ole?
    or no. I think it isn’t.
    #4 is An American in Paris.
    #5 might just be Shock Treatment.
    #6 happens all the time, because the songs are always cut. Oh! Maybe Cabaret. Yes.
    #7 is the Full Monty.

    I rock.

  4. deblipp says:

    Holy shit.

  5. Roberta says:

    Oh! And I was right on #3!!!

  6. Evn says:

    #5 might just be Shock Treatment.

    I had a feeling it was. I’ve never actually seen that movie, though, so I had no way to be sure. But the clue definitely sounded Shock Treatment-ish.

    Anyhoo, off to construct a Roberta shrine…

  7. Roberta says:

    I like glitter. Please use lots of glitter.

  8. Evn says:

    Consider it glittered. I’ll also be adding sequins and baubles.

  9. norbizness says:

    #1 is Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000

  10. deblipp says:

    Norbizness, I’ve never seen it, so it could be, but it’s not what I’m thinking of.

  11. Dawa Lhamo says:

    #1 sounds like Grease. I hate that movie. 😉 But it’s got beaches and back and forth singing, so that’s my guess. ^_^

    The other one I’d know is answered already, the Full Monty. I really like that movie. ^_^

  12. deblipp says:

    Sorry Dawa, that’s wrong. I get where you’d come up with it, there is that beach scene, but he never sneaks up on her.

  13. Ken says:

    #1 – South Pacific ……

  14. Ben says:

    #1-Doctor No. “Underneath the mango tree…”

  15. Roberta says:

    Oh of course we needed a Bond film…