Tuesday Trivia: Unusual Characters

Name the movie featuring each of the following characters:

1. Roller Girl
Solved by Evn (comment #1).

2. Professor Joe Butcher
Solved by MJ Ray (comment #12).

3. Nice Guy Eddie
Solved by Ken (comment #2).

4. Walker Jerome (“the Blouse Man”)
Solved by lunofajro (comment #4).

5. Carmen Sternwood
Solved by George (comment #3).

6. Cosmo Brown
Solved by Ken (comment #2).

7. Johnny Roastbeef
Solved by Melville (comment #10).


  1. Evn says:

    #1 is Boogie Nights.

  2. Ken says:

    #3 – Reservoir Dogs

    #6 – Singin’ in the Rain

  3. George says:

    #5 – The Big Sleep (so now I’ve got 2 questions right with the same answer several weeks apart)

  4. lunofajro says:

    #4 is “A Walk on the Moon” (and the gorgeous Viggo Mortensen plays this part)

  5. Roberta says:

    Oh, to have me a blouse man…

    (So if all of you are right, 2 or 7 has to be a Bond.)

  6. deblipp says:

    George, oh golly, I try not to repeat movies! Oops. I wrote this up in a rush this morning.

  7. George says:

    Hey, I’m not complaining!

  8. Roberta says:

    my comment got eaten. check your spam.
    not that it was anything like a guess, but it still should post.

  9. deblipp says:

    I fixed you, Roberta. If it’s any consolation, the spam filter also blocked one of my own comments.

  10. Melville says:

    Johnny Roastbeef has to be from Goodfellas. Not as great as Jimmy Twotimes (“I’m gonna go get the papers, get the papers.”), or Nicky Eyes, but still good. 🙂

  11. deblipp says:

    Melville, my favorite is Jimmy Twotimes, but I figured that was too easy, and I already gave away Nice Guy Eddie.

  12. MJ Ray says:

    Professor Joe is in Licence to Kill.

  13. Roberta says:

    still not fixed.