Friday Catblogging: A Boy and His Ledge

Arthur. Mingo. The ledge. You remember the ledge, right? And that it’s a long drop? Well, the boys don’t care:

Cat on Boy

Hey, lookie here. I got them both in one shot. Not easy.



  1. Jarred says:

    Of course they don’t care! Boys like living dangerously anyway. 😉

  2. Evn says:

    I love the little shelf with the Witch collection, and how the Scarlet Witch is prominently displayed. She was always my favorite Avenger.

  3. deblipp says:

    Wow, good catch. No one ever notices the Witch Shelf, which appears in several Catblogging photos.

    I’m crazy about the Scarlet Witch.

  4. Evn says:

    The mutant ability to hex is the best superpower ever.

    Oh, I started blogging again. Just so’s you know.

  5. taijiya says:

    That ledge shot is the best ever. Too funny and cute!

  6. deblipp says:

    He’s all “Mom! Mom! Get the camera! Quick!”

    Apparently it was even cuter right before I got there.