Solutions to Tuesday Trivia

This one turned out well…not too hard, not too easy.

1. Name four other movies with numbers in the title.
Ken’s solutions: Five Easy Pieces, 1776, 1492:Conquest of Paradise, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Ocean’s Eleven (1960)
My thoughts: 9 1/2 Weeks, 8 1/2, 10, Two for the Road, 12 Angry Men
Solved by Ken (comment #2)

2. Name two other movies with scenes that take place on the New York City subway.
Ken’s solutions: The Warriors, Fame
My thoughts: Serpico, Brother From Another Planet
Evn’s thought: Blade
Melville’s thought: The French Connection
Solved by Ken (comment #3)

3. Quentin Tarantino “borrowed” the color-coded names of the criminals from this movie. From what other Walter Matthau movie did Tarantino “borrow”?
Charley Varrick, from which Tarantino got the quote go to work on you with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch” and used it in Pulp Fiction.
Solved by TehipiteTom (comment #18).

4. Robert Shaw plays a former mercenary soldier. Name another movie featuring a former mercenary soldier.
Evn’s solution: Blood Diamond
My thought: Casablanca
Solved by Evn (comment #6)

5. The criminals all wear hats and mustaches. Name two other movies with disguised criminals.
Ken’s solution: Point Break, Dead Presidents
My thoughts: 3000 Miles to Graceland, and also Point Break
Solved by Ken (comment #4)

6. Name two James Bond connections to The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.
Hint: Both connections are explicitly mentioned in my review.
Two actors from this film were in Bond movies: Robert Shaw in From Russia With Love, Julius Harris in Live and Let Die.
Solved by Ken (comment #26).

7. Pelham One Two Three is the name of a specific train. Name another movie with a train’s name in the title.
Melville’s solution: The General
My thought (and Evn’s): Murder on the Orient Express
Solved by Melville (comment #1) (Sorry, Evn, 9 minutes is bogus.)


  1. Melville says:

    Isn’t it odd, I never think of Bogart in Casablanca as a former mercenary, even though he says it right out: “I was well-paid on both occasions.”

  2. deblipp says:

    I absolutely knew no one would think of that, which is what charmed me about the answer.