Monday Movie Review: Two Movies About Women

This week, I saw two movies that satisfy Bechdel’s Rule. It is remarkable to see women who seem real in the movies, and then again remarkable that it is so remarkable, if you know what I mean. The movies are a true-life drama (A Mighty Heart) and a ditzy, sexy romantic comedy (The Truth About Cats & Dogs). They share a deep feminist sensibility without ever doing that “I’m talking about feminism” thing (see: Something’s Gotta Give).

A Mighty Heart (2007) 8/10
When Daniel Pearl (Dan Futterman) is kidnapped in Pakistan, his wife Marianne (Angelina Jolie) and his colleague Asra Nomani (Archie Panjabi) work with the authorities to try to find and rescue him.

Asra Nomani has written that she is unhappy with the way A Mighty Heart is not about Danny Pearl; she felt betrayed by that. But the movie feels to me like it isn’t meant to be about Danny, who is, after all, off-stage for the drama being shown. Indeed, his story might be told, and told beautifully, but this is a different story.

I struggled with the chaos of the movie; a legitimate portrayal of what it felt like to be in that situation, or needlessly chaotic film techniques?

But in the center of the chaos are two remarkable women, and as I watched, I was struck by how not-movie these women were; they seemed like women I might know. They were smart, thoughtful, aggressive, angry, needy, analytical, focused, and compassionate. They were simply human. They were never “the women” cast in a movie to add a little color and costume and tits. There was nothing cliché about them. This was particularly striking for Marianne Pearl, who was never reduced to “the wife,” or “the pregnant wife,” and with that growing belly, that had to be a challenge to the filmmakers. Because yes, she was a pregnant wife, but also a journalist and, well, a human being.

And again, I reflected that this shouldn’t be so striking. That human women shouldn’t be such an oddity.

The Truth About Cats and Dogs (1996) 8/10
Dr. Abby Barnes (Janeane Garofalo) is a veterinarian with a pet advice radio show. When an attractive caller (Ben Chaplin) wants to meet her, she convinces him that she looks like her gorgeous neighbor Noelle (Uma Thurman). Complications ensue.

People kept telling me to see this movie, but the identity-switch plot made me cringe. I finally broke down, and yeah, there’s a couple of cringes, but it’s somehow nothing like the description sounds. First, because the self-consciousness of the cringey switch is a reflection of Abby’s own self-consciousness. Second, because there’s a crucial scene on the phone between Abby and Brian (Chaplin) that is so warm and lovely that it legitimizes the ensuing shenanigans, and finally, because the friendship that develops between Noelle and Abby as they weave their ridiculous lies is lovely and rare.

Seriously. Two women thrown together. Attracted to the same man. And…choosing friendship as a priority? Did you see that coming? And not necessarily, y’know, being martyrs, but recognizing the value of it. Considering it. Exactly as if they were human.

Because they are. Human women. In a script, get this, written by a woman. That includes female masturbation (and someday soon I’m writing a whole post on that subject).

Seeing these movies made me a little sadder about movies in general, because I shouldn’t be writing this post. It shouldn’t be, hey I saw movies in which women were actually friends. And human. And thoughtful. Two of them! Made only eleven years apart!


  1. Hazel says:

    You’ve made me actually want to see A Mighty Heart now and your review of The Truth… has made me want to watch that again just like your review of The Taking of Pelham 123 did. Thanks!

  2. deblipp says:

    Thanks, Hazel. It was hard to decide to see Mighty Heart, I knew I’d cry, but it’s worth seeing.

  3. Tracy says:

    I haven’t seen Might Heart, but I unfortunately did see the video of Daniel Pearl’s murder that was circulated on the Net. It haunts me still. As god-awful as it was, I think seeing it will lend a greater impact to the movie when I do see it.

    As far as the Truth About Cats and Dogs, this has always been one of my all time favorite movies. However, I will never understand how Noelle, (Uma Thurman) could have considered a relationship with Brian (Ben Chaplin) knowing that her best friend, Dr. Abbey Barnes (Jeanine Garofalo) was in love with him. Yes, she did choose her friendship with Abbey over her own feelings for Brian, but it just annoyed me that she considered it in the first place. I just thought her friendship should have taken precedence.

    I would like to believe that women in friendships with other women, such as in this case, should have a sense of loyalty and protection that transcends their desire to involve themselves in a romantic relationship that is obviously detrimental to that friendship. But, that’s just me and this isn’t a perfect world. Still love the movie though.

  4. Melville says:

    I liked The Truth About Cats And Dogs, which is saying something, since I’m highly allergic to Comedies of Mistaken Identity. I have trouble sitting through The Importance Of Being Earnest, and even As You Like It and Twelfth Night make me itchy.

  5. deblipp says:

    I know what you mean, Mel, although Top Hat is my favorite movie, the entire genre is usually a bad idea.

    Tracy, the movie wasn’t just a romance, it was very much about the self-actualization of two very divided women. It was, if I may be overblown, about the limitations put on women, and overcoming them. You either get to be Body or Brain, which is why the question they wanted to put to Brian (who would you rather be on a desert island with?) is so telling. Abby has a great brain and hates her looks; no one has ever legitimized that Noelle even has a brain, she’s a “dumb blonde.” Noelle falling for Brian was partially about her falling for the notion that she’s a whole person.

    And, yeah, I have sympathy for women who fall for the wrong guy.

  6. Tracy says:

    I guess I found it difficult envisioning Janine Garofalo as just the brain. Maybe it’s just my taste in women, but I find Janine so much more appealing than Uma, not just in this movie, but in most. I think she’s adorable. I understand that Uma’s attraction to Brian was that he made her feel “smart”. As she said, “no one has ever made her feel that way before”.

    My favorite line was when they were deciding how to rectify this situation and Uma said, “we go over there, get shitfaced and see what happens”.

  7. Tracy says:

    Actually, I believe The Truth About Cats and Dogs is a twist on Cyrano de Bergerac.

    If you liked this however, you might also enjoy “Kissing A Fool” with David Schwimmer and Jason Lee (1998). Also, one of my favorites.

  8. deblipp says:

    Yeah, I agree it’s kind of a reverse Cyrano.

    Tracy, Garafalo is adorable, but it’s that she doesn’t believe in herself. Someone told her once she was ugly and that was that. Plus it’s the idea that a brainy woman can’t be attractive.

    It would have been more daring and interesting if the woman really wasn’t cute, but what the hell.

  9. Tracy says:

    See this is what I will never understand, I think the “brainy” part of women are what makes them most attractive!

  10. deblipp says:

    In real life, yeah. Just not in our fucked up culture.