I guess I’m shallow

If I was Deep and Important and Serious-Minded, I’d blog about Jose Padilla. Instead, I’m moved to write about Heath Ledger.

Few portrayals have moved me as deeply as Ledger’s Ennis Del Mar. As he aged in the movie, growing more closed-in, more shut-off, he was more and more like my ex-boyfriend. I suppose I related to Jack Twist, waiting for my “audience,” not knowing how to quit him. And it was heartbreaking. Brokeback Mountain is not a “four hankie” movie or whatever, not for me, it’s a gut-wrenching, sobbing, hankies won’t help experience. And even with all that emotional involvement, it didn’t elude me how subtle and nuanced and frickin brilliant Ledger’s performance was.

So I’m really sad. I think he would have been brilliant, purely brilliant, in dozens more movies. Only now he won’t.

May he find peace and be born again.


  1. Roberta says:

    I still haven’t seen it. But he was so lovely in 10 Things I Hate About You, and have you SEEN the preview for the Dark Knight???

    He will, one more time, be brilliant, purely brilliant. From what I saw he had the full-metal crazy of Nicholson with more than a touch of the haunted charm of Brandon Lee’s Crow.

  2. deblipp says:

    Is Dark Knight finished? The little bits looked, as you say, genius, but is it in the can and ready to be released or will Ledger’s death leave holes in the production?

  3. deblipp says:

    Okay, Dark Knight is finished, and Ledger will appear posthumously.

  4. Paula says:

    Yeah, I was stunned when I heard the news, even more saddened when I heard how damned YOUNG he was. Shit.

    Gonna miss him.

  5. Melville says:

    I was just reading an article listing pseudo-stars, all those people we are told are stars despite their lack of talent and long list of bad movies that no one goes to see. Here was a man who had genuine talent who made good movies that people wanted to see. In short, he was the Real Thing at a time when there are hardly any.

    He’ll be missed. šŸ™

  6. Kathy says:

    This just breaks my heart. I feel so badly for his family, losing him far too soon.

    Brokeback Mountain is not a ā€œfour hankieā€ movie or whatever, not for me, itā€™s a gut-wrenching, sobbing, hankies wonā€™t help experience.
