No, you really CAN’T tell them apart

I’m doing this because I’ve gone nuts. Or because all that political blogging last week demanded something frivilous.

Anyway, half the images in the collage are Jennifer Morrison of the show House. The other half are Keri Russell from the movie Waitress.

Unless…has anyone ever seen them together?

Keri Morrison


  1. Barbs says:

    I didn’t find it that difficult to tell them apart. However it might have something to do with facial recognision based on criteria one has developed. I found this easy, another one I might have found hard.

  2. Felicia says:

    LOL Strikingly similar 🙂

  3. deblipp says:

    I saw the picture in the upper right in an article and I thought it was the wrong one, so I started doing image searches.