Sunday Meditation: The Glowing Pearl

This is another expanded grounding and centering meditation. There is a section at the end for extending it outward for a group meditation. If you were working in a group, one person would read aloud (or speak from memory).

Begin by being aware of your breathing, and as you breathe deeply, in and out, with long, cleansing breaths, allow yourself to feel the movement of breath in your body.

As you breathe, notice the breath moving through your human body. Become aware that you have a body, that you are a human being and of the Earth.

You are also a being of Spirit. Notice your center, the place where spirit resides in your body. It is round and glowing with the light of your spirit. Notice the beauty of its shimmering glow. It is iridescent white, like a pearl.

Feel the glow extend through your body. With each breath, the glow fills you more deeply. The glow extends to the tips of your fingers and toes, to the top of your head and the ends of your hair, and at the core of it remains the bright pearl of your center, shimmering and shining, bathing you in sacredness and peace.

In your life, there are challenges, blocks, hardships. Notice again that your center is a pearl, and see the pearl forming its beautiful shell around those challenges, making them beautiful and perfect. Just as an oyster turns its irritations into pearls, so your pearl center can transform your problems into precious gems.

Allow yourself simply to bask in the light.

(For a group)

Now notice you are in a circle of such glows. It is a beautiful necklace of pearls, bound together in a strand, united and individual, and glowing as one.

One comment

  1. michael lipp says:

    I love your metaphor — be an oyster – turn irritations into pearls… beautiful & wise