Friday Catblogging: Alarm Clock

He’s standing on my alarm clock.

Look, I wake up without an alarm, unless I’m getting up extra-early, and here’s a lovely reason why: He stands on my alarm clock. There’s like, buttons there.

Yes, that’s right. On the alarm clock.


  1. Paula says:

    Reminds me of one of our old cats-she would do the same thing. John finally built a little wood shelf to put over the alarm clock. Recently, Tabitha thought it would be fun to turn off my electric blanket. The control sets on a little table. I found that a Kandoo (baby wipe) box top fit over it perfectly, so I don’t wake up freezing.
    Maybe some little plastic shoebox thingie would keep your silly puss off the buttons?

  2. Tracy says:

    Yeah, but having his cat butt on the buttons made for an awesome picture!

    You might want to, oh I don’t know, think about his cat butt on the buttons that the next time you go to set your alarm though }:)

  3. deblipp says:

    If I need the alarm to go off, I sleep with the door shut and the cats OUT.

  4. Jarred says:

    It’s a great pose and a fantastic picture. I especially like the lighting.

    Of course, I can only imagine the effect of waking up, rolling over, and seeing that.

  5. Barbs says:

    As soon as my alamrm goes off ( which is about the time Sylvia leaves for school, the cats make sure i get up. They are all over me. On weekends, when the alarm does not go off, they still are all over me to get up. It’s not about food, they have a feeder that is always full, I think its about making sure I get up to go to work to make money so I can buy more cat food.

  6. deblipp says:

    I used to think cats are incapable of understanding 5/2/5/2 as a pattern. But Mingo will wake me at 7:30 on weekdays, and 8 or 8:30 on weekends. He truly appreciates the notion of sleeping in.

  7. hc says:

    Would you ask Mingo to please forward the memo to The Gentleman Bastard over here ? He firmly believes that if brekky appears at 6:45 for 5 days in a row, there is no reason that it should’nt for 2 other days.
    His Daddy & I see it otherwise.