Solutions to Tuesday Trivia

This is the first time in weeks you’ve needed a hint!

The theme was TV/movie crossover stars.

1. Throwing spaghetti against the wall is still the best way to test if it’s done.
The Big Chill (crossover star Glenn Close is on TV’s Damages)
Solved by Ken (comment #10).

2. “I’ll meet you at the place near the thing where we went that time.”
Broadcast News (crossover star Holly Hunter is on TV’s Saving Grace)
Solved by Evn (comment #4).

3. She drops her wedding ring down the shower drain.
Apollo 13 (the crossover star is Gary Sinese who is on one of those CSI shows)
Solved by Trevor J (comment #12).

4. Production of this movie hit the gossip columns when the single male star and the married female star had an on-set affair. As a result, a sex scene between the two was cut and has never seen the light of day. Instead, the male star (who plays a single character) and the female star (who plays a married character) have one passionate kiss at the end, before she is reunited with her husband. In real life, the actress’s marriage did not fare as well.
Proof of Life (the crossover star is David Caruso who is on one of those CSI shows)
Solved by maurinsky (comment #2) and Trevor J (comment #3) at the same time.

5. “We didn’t say lose weight. I might say tighten.”
Knocked Up (crossover stars are Alan Tudyk from Firefly and Katherine Heigel from Grey’s Anatomy)
Solved by Trevor J (comment #3).

6. “Freud didn’t know dick about women.”
The Object of My Affection (starring Jennifer Aniston of Friends)
Solved by Antony Cartouche (comment #6).

7. No one can remember eating breakfast.
Hint: Science fiction of the 1990s.
Dark City (featuring 24’s Keifer Sutherland)
Solved by Tom Hilton (comment #24).


  1. Amy says:

    Oh, I didn’t know that about “Proof of Life.” That’s weird. I thought that the denial of a sex scene made the story work as well as the movie possibly could.

    Wish I had played this week! I knew 2, 3, 5, and 6! 🙂

  2. deblipp says:

    I thought the movie worked better without the sex, too.