Movie lines

The ones you say all the time. I mean, not your favorites, but the ones you actually say. Because sure, I’d like to say “We’ll always have Paris” is something I say all the time; I’d like to be that cool, but not so much in real life. I’ve said “You know how to whistle, don’t you?” once or twice, but it doesn’t come up all that often, conversationally.

While waiting for our Chinese food last night, Arthur and I strolled over to the pet store, and seeing a birdcage, I said “Boids. Filthy, disgusting, disease-ridden BOIDS.” Bizarrely, that is a line that comes up often.

“I’m using the word hate here. About…” Fill in the blank. The voice of that line just works when you want to underline that you hate something.

“That’ll do, pig.” Virtually any time I finish anything.

Arthur also uses “You might, rabbit, you might” rather more often than you’d expect.

So, here’s a quick compensation for yesterday’s non-trivia: Name the movies I quote, and give me the quotes you like to use (the ones you really use, in conversation. Not the ones you wish you were cool enough to use, and not the ones you only use when you’re being movie-quotey).


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    “BOIDS” is from The Producers, which I just watched again the other day (and I have to start working “I’m in pain! and I’m wet! and I’m still hysterical!” into more conversations).

    The line I use most often is “Kit was the most trigger-happy person I had ever met.” I don’t know what that says about me…nor do I want to know.

  2. Melville says:

    “That’ll do, pig,” is from Babe.

    I’ll have to think some more about what lines I use. I do wish I knew someone named Clarice, so I could use “Thank you, Clarice” (in the appropriate silky/terrifying tone πŸ™‚ )

  3. Roberta says:

    Is “hate” Broadcast News? So familiar.

    I’m drawing a blank now, but I’m sure something will come out of my mouth through the course of the day that will send me back to my desk to post as a comment. I talk in quotes a lot.

  4. Ken says:

    I also use “Boids” and “That’ll do”.

    One that gets thrown around the office on a daily basis is Chris Tucker’s “Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” from Rush Hour – we all have it as a WAV file on our computers and play it back and forth at each other when appropriate.

  5. deblipp says:

    I know other people who use “I do not think that word means what you think it does” a lot, but I rarely find the opportunity.

  6. Roberta says:

    Actually, I use that. I use a few from Princess Bride. Like, “Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.” (not always verbatim.) And the simple “As you wish”.

  7. Ken says:

    Oh ,yeah, “As you wish” alllllll the time….. especially to my wife.

    Also around the office (a lot of movie lines used around the office)

    “So let it be written, so let it be done” (Name That Quote πŸ˜‰ )

    And when the printer jams up, from Office Space
    “PC Load Letter? What the fuck?”

  8. deblipp says:

    The other thing I use is “Is good. We do not have to go to de bank.” I use it a lot. It’s because Roberta was in a production of I Remember Mama approximately 400 years ago. It wasn’t even her character’s line. But it’s stuck in my head forever and I use it regularly.

  9. deblipp says:

    “Hate” is not Broadcast News, but it is spoken by someone who appeared in Broadcast News.

  10. Melville says:

    I have used “I do not think that word means what you think it does” more than once.

    The only other one I can think of that I’ve used often is “That’s a good idear, Ollie,” from whatever Laurel & Hardy movie (probably all of them), sometimes ironically, sometimes not.

    I’m being distracted by thinking of more great lines from The Producers. The one I laughed at most last time (probably the same night Tom saw it, on TCM I assume) was Max’s “You have exactly 5 seconds to change that look of disgusting pity to one of enormous respect.”

  11. Roberta says:

    Oh. Oh. OH. Shit. Jack Nicholson said it in something. WTF does he hate? It has to be that movie… the one I love.

  12. Roberta says:

    (wheww. As Good as it Gets. It’s taking them pills that he hates.)

  13. Daven says:

    Actually, “That’ll do, pig” is from The Replacements Or at least it was said in that movie.

    And my family and I do whole sections of dialog from movies, quoting lines at each other over, literally, hours. There’s too many to name, but Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The American President, Serenity, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Galaxy Quest and more are all on the mental scripts.

  14. Tom Hilton says:

    I know other people who use β€œI do not think that word means what you think it does” a lot, but I rarely find the opportunity.

    I use that one all the time (in writing anyway–not so much in spoken conversation). There are a lot of vocabulary-challenged nitwits on the Intertubes. πŸ˜‰

    I had occasion to use another line (not movie but television) this morning. It’s Staff Appreciation Week, and our supervisor sent around a Thank You!!!! (yes, there were lots of exclamation points) message. I forwarded it to a few trustworthy co-workers with the obvious reply: “Nothing says ‘thank you’ like dollars in the waistband.”

  15. michael lipp says:

    All the quotes from Casablanca – The one I say is, “…this can be the start of a beautiful friendship” I have also used, from To Have and Have Not, “Wuz you ever stung by a dead bee?”
    I like, “Top of the world, Ma’ I’ll think of more (I love, “Boids! …)

  16. deblipp says:

    Daven, Babe=1995 with very quotable last line. The Replacements=2000, quoting five-year-old last line from famous movie.

    Roberta, yes. “I hate pills. I’m using the word HATE here. About pills.” Comes up all the time. I think I used it Monday on BOK.

  17. Daven says:

    Deborah, well, I never saw “Babe” so I didn’t know. πŸ˜‰

    However, “The Replacements” is one of my favorite movies.

    “Thanks for… clearing that up.”

  18. Cosette says:

    I never realized before now, thinking about it, how much I quote from A Princess Bride: As you wish. Inconceivable. Get used to disappointment. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

    Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn from Gone With the Wind.

    As if from Clueless. I also refer to some people a Monet. From far away, it’s OK, but up close, it’s a big old mess.

    That’s most of the quotes I say quite a lot, but I bust out with random quotes all the time. I have only one friend who ever knows what the heck I’m talking about.

  19. Evn says:

    Ken, I believe β€œSo let it be written, so let it be done” is from The Ten Commandments. I say it all the time, too.

    I also use one of Michelle Pfeiffer’s lines from Hairspray when dealing with my employees: “(sigh, eyeroll) You may go.”

  20. Tracy says:

    I confess, I bombed at the trivia. I have used, “you might rabbit, you might” often. I’ve used “I’m picky about my shoes and they only go on my feet” from Clueless, but the line I use most is Al Pacino’s from “Devil’s Advocate”. “It’s good to be right”. Not really the coolest, but it works and happily on many an occasion πŸ™‚

  21. maurinsky says:

    Quotes I use:


    “I’m disa-PPOINT-ed!”

    “____ is starting to damage my calm!”

    “Guvmint do take a baaht, don’t she?”

    “What was that middle thing again?”

    “Okay, then”

    “Not enough beer in the world, Spleen”

    “By Grabthar’s hammer, ______”

    My husband often uses:

    “Scuse me while I…whip this out”

  22. Dawa Lhamo says:

    I use “what are you going to do about it, [whitey]? Just sit there?” far more than is right for a person. ^_^

    Actually, to be truthful, I use LOL and internet memes in real life conversation more than is appropriate. “WTF, mate?” “w00t” “you can’t has my bucket,” “I see what you did thar.” etc.

  23. deblipp says:

    Maurinsky, the only one of those I know is “damaging my calm.”

    Dawa, I have a tendency to speak in lolcat. Which is probably a Very Bad Thing. I find something in the back of the cabinet that I didn’t know was there and I say “I has a happy.” Arthur also uses “Epic Fail” and “You’re Doin’ it Wrong” a lot.

  24. deblipp says:

    Oh, and of course the line I use more than any other (TV, though)

    “Brain and brain! What is brain?”

  25. maurinsky says:

    I thought I’d give trivia hounds some stuff to answer.

  26. maurinsky says:

    TV wise, I’m a big quoter of Buffy.

    “Your logic does not resemble our earth logic.”
    “You are strange and off-putting.”
    “The who in the what now?”
    “He makes Godot look punctual” (I’m married to a man who is, was, and ever shall be late to everything – I get to use this one a lot.)

  27. Amy says:

    Dawa, “WTF, mate” is always funny. πŸ™‚

    There’s a line from The Swiss Family Robinson that I always say: “It’s better than walking around for hours in wet clothes.” This comes up a lot, because a great many distasteful things are better than walking around for hours in wet clothes.

    I have gotten to use “You keep using that word…” in conversation. Quite frequently, actually. Whenever someone is yammering about a candidate and using buzzwords like “hope” or “change,” I pull out Inigo Montoya and let him talk.

  28. Amy says:

    maurinsky, “By Grabthar’s hammer, you shall be avenged!”

    I love Galaxy Quest, particularly the way Alan Rickman delivers that line.

  29. Amy says:

    Mentioning Alan Rickman reminded me of two other lines I use, both from Bob Roberts.

    “And don’t do crack. It’s a ghetto drug.”

    “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pray.”

  30. maurinsky says:

    Galaxy Quest is one of those movies I feel compelled to watch whenever it’s on, and it never fails to make me laugh.

  31. Tom Hilton says:

    Maurinsky, we just watched most of A Fish Called Wanda last week. At a meeting on Monday somebody asked someone else to repeat something they had missed, and I immediately thought “What was that middle thing again?” πŸ˜‰

  32. Ken says:

    I think you’ve tapped into something here, Deb…… πŸ˜‰

    Not from a movie, but John McEnroe’s classic “You canNOT be SERIOUS!” is something I have often used.

  33. deblipp says:

    I haven’t seen Galaxy Quest in ages. It is the first DVD I bought for myself upon buying my first DVD player.

  34. deblipp says:

    I totally knew this would happen.

    Oh, and I do sometimes say “Put. The candle. BECK.”

    And “I was joking! Don’t you know a joke when you hear one? Ha! Ha! Ha!”

    It’s really so much fun imitating Gene Wilder.

  35. Ken says:

    Remembered another one this morning……

    “It goes to eleven.”

  36. deblipp says:

    Gods, Ken, you’re right. Who doesn’t use that?

  37. Tom Hilton says:

    Other lines I find immensely useful:

    “The life of a repo man is always intense.” (Also: “Don’t want no Commies in my car. No Christians either.”)

    “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”

    “It’s only a flesh wound.”

  38. Melville says:

    β€œIt’s only a flesh wound.”

    My friends and I used to be able to quote Monty Python at will, but the only one I still use is “Run away!”

  39. Amy says:

    β€œLooks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”

    I picked this one up from Keith Olbermann.

  40. OhKen says:

    Another Blazing Saddles line that I pulled out the other day (have to be careful of the company I use it in……)

    “Okay, we’ll take the niggers and the chinks, but we don’t want any Irish!”

  41. Melanie says:

    “They mostly come at night. Mostly.” and “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s gonna be a bumpy night.”

  42. Dragonflygal says:

    This is fun!

    At home we tend to go for “Indeed!” often (from StarGate SG1).

    I’ve been known to mutter, “I fart in your general direction” a time or two. This is usually said “sotto voce” so perhaps is not part of real conversation, owing to the fact that I really did not want to be heard.