another wipeout

I wiped out my own blog. My entire blog. Trying to upgrade WordPress. Nice Joe restored me as of last night. I restored “Not entertaining it” from the cross-post at If I Ran the Zoo, but I didn’t cross-post the thing about California gay marriage, nor can I find it cached. Ah, well.

Sorry about your comments.


  1. Dawa Lhamo says:

    Well, all livejournal saved was the first part:

    While I was out getting a sandwich, I heard the best news I’ve heard in ages. The California Supreme Court has overturned the ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional. I’m choking up just typing this.
    Look, this is a turned tide. Just is. The bans on same sex marriage in other states are the thrashings of […]

    Ah well. Impermanence. Like a sand mandala. I’ve often thought that the fleeting nature of electronic data is a perfect model for the emptiness inherent in all things. ^_^

  2. Cathy says:

    I remember offering to move to Mississippi, since everywhere I live these days I seem to leave gay marriage in my wake.

  3. Cathy says:

    Which is a comment clearly of such importance that it just HAD to be recreated…

    Did you at least get the blog upgraded?

  4. deblipp says:

    Yes, and I suggested you start your 48 state tour post haste.

    No, not upgraded. Essentially, the steps are, download the WordPress upgrade files. Copy my entire blog to my hard drive. Copy the upgrade files to the blog directory. Copy the entire blog back to the server.

    In the middle of all these steps, I had to reinstall Dreamweaver and a couple of other things.

    So I forgot the step about copying the blog to the harddrive first, and wiped out the blog.

    So last night I spent the post-restoration time copying to the harddrive.

  5. Kathy says:

    Deborah, here’s a link to your marriage post. I searched by post title and found it cached. Sorry about the wipeout!

  6. deblipp says:

    Kathy, you’re my hero!