Tuesday Trivia: Twenty Questions

This is an experiment. Let’s see if it’s fun. I’m thinking of a movie. I will tell you how many words in the title (including A or The if it has them), and I will tell you the first letter (not counting A or The if it has them).

You will ask yes/no questions in the manner of 20 Questions, and see if you can guess the film.

If it goes quickly, the winner starts the next round.


2 words

Starts with B


Correction!! I thought the movie title was 2 words, but the IMDb has it as a one-word contraction. You know, like Hairspray instead of Hair Spray. It isn’t Hairspray. But like that. Except with a B.



  1. Melville says:

    Is it an American film?

  2. Deborah Lipp says:


    (Good question, I thought it would take a while for us to get there.)

  3. Deborah Lipp says:

    Clarification: The 2-words-B is the American title.

  4. Melville says:

    Was it made before 1970?

    (I’m having trouble getting to the site. Server problems?)

  5. Deborah Lipp says:

    The server problems are us, not you. I think they’re over now.


  6. Evn says:

    Is it a comedy?

  7. George says:

    Is it Blowup aka Blow Up in the UK?

  8. Deborah Lipp says:

    Evn no, George, yes.

    GEORGE: Start the next one.

  9. Deborah Lipp says:

    Okay, George is apparently busy, so I’m starting the next one:


    It is Five words

    It starts with F


  10. Evn says:

    Four Weddings and a Funeral?

  11. J.T. Boofle says:

    Is it a comedy?

  12. Deborah Lipp says:

    Evn, that’s….YES.

    J.T., that’s also Yes, but Evn did a magic trick and pulled it out of my head.

  13. Evn says:

    Wow. Sometimes I scare myself a lil’ bit.

    Next movie:

    It is Four Words.

    It begins with L.


  14. Deborah Lipp says:

    Is it bigger than a breadbox?

    No, I take that back!

    Is it a horror movie?

  15. J.T. Boofle says:

    Is it a recent (last 20 years) film?

  16. George says:

    Sorry, got caught in meetings.

    Is it Live and Let Die? Figured someone had to get a Bond in there.

  17. Deborah Lipp says:

    George, I bet you’re right.

  18. George says:

    Probably, as I’m off to lunch in a couple minutes….

  19. Evn says:

    Deborah: no.

    J.T.: no.

    George: dude, that was quick. Back to you.

  20. George says:

    I’m off to lunch, so someone else take it.

  21. Evn says:

    Deborah, may I toss out one more?

  22. Evn says:

    It is Four Words.

    It begins with L.

    (I had a back-up.)

  23. Deborah Lipp says:

    Is it a horror movie (that is bigger than a breadbox)?

  24. Evn says:

    It is not a horror movie, nor is it a big breadbox.

  25. Deborah Lipp says:

    Was it made prior to 1970?

  26. Deborah Lipp says:

    Was it made prior to 1990?

  27. J.T. Boofle says:

    Legends of the Fall?

  28. Evn says:

    J.T, good guess. But no.

  29. Roberta says:

    Are there any Baldwins in it?

  30. George says:

    How many degrees of separation does it have from Kevin Bacon?

  31. Evn says:

    No Baldwins to speak of.

  32. Evn says:

    George, I don’t rightly know. Give me a couple of minutes to count actors.

  33. Deborah Lipp says:

    George! It’s yes/no questions only. Have you never played 20 questions?

    So, 1990 or later, no Baldwins.

    Was it nominated for any Oscars?

  34. George says:

    Like Water for Chocolate? Lara Croft: Tomb Raider?

  35. Evn says:

    It was not nominated for any Oscars, no.

  36. Evn says:

    I LOVED Like Water for Chocolate! Not correct, but a wonderful film.

    (Pssst. George: two.)

  37. Deborah Lipp says:

    7 down, 13 to go.

    Is it American?

  38. Deborah Lipp says:

    Therefore it is not The Lives of Others or The Last King of Scotland. Okay, which has five words.

    Is it a comedy?

  39. Evn says:

    It could fall under a couple of genres. Comedy is one of them.

  40. J.T. Boofle says:

    They made Last of the Mohicans in the 90s, didn’t they?

  41. Evn says:

    They did! Not the correct answer, though.

  42. George says:

    Lady in the Water?

  43. Evn says:

    I love that movie, too! And no!

  44. Evn says:

    We’ve hit the ten-spot. Would you guys like a hint?

    (But it will be a riddle, which does not reference the movie in question.)

    (Oh, and psssst. George: next year, one.)

  45. Evn says:

    A diary of Chicago’s fourth massacre.

  46. Evn says:

    (I’m sorry, I should have said that the answer to the riddle is not the movie in question.)