Spring Equinox

I’m having an ironic first day of Spring here, as it’s snowing out.

The equinoxes have a poorly-formed tradition in most of the Pagan community, and I don’t know if I’ve ever attended a really dazzling Spring Equinox or Fall Equinox ritual. (I’m talking community rituals, here, not oathbound Tradition stuff.) For six of the eight holidays, there is plentiful folklore and a rich and varied ritual tradition throughout Neopaganism. The equinoxes, not so much. Fall tends to be a Thanksgiving sort of thing, “Harvest Home,” but both the festival before and after are also harvests, and have other distinctive and beautiful features.

Spring equinox, which some call Ostara, tends to be a bit of a piggyback on Easter. Colored eggs and all that. Which is fine; Pagan holidays and Christian holidays are often related. But the colored eggs don’t figure prominently in ritual behavior—no egg hunts under the High Priestess’s robe, although hey, that’s a thought.

In much Western occult tradition, equinoxes are considered unlucky. Balance is always sought in magical work, but healthy balance is dynamic and fluid. Perfect balance is stasis, so on the equinox, change cannot be effective. Initiations and marriages are not performed.

Spring equinox is when we plant early seeds. Where I live, peas are ideal, as they are harvested about the time other planting is done. If you use starter seeds (rather than planting from seedlings), they should be started now in temperate climates. My normal spring equinox ritual is a consecration and planting of seeds, and this can be quite beautiful (despite my grumpiness).


  1. Tracy says:

    :::hoping Deborah is planning on putting someone else in charge of the seedlings this year:::

  2. Deborah Lipp says:

    I forgot to mention the part of the ritual where Tracy kills the seedlings, thereby preventing spring from coming.

  3. Tracy says:

    Hence, the snow!

  4. Brian says:

    Spring Equinox is the most important time in the Golden Dawn when passwords are changed and other things happen. Doreen Valente knew that and her Golden Dawn connection get’s downplayed.
    Contrary to many opinions, Golden Dawn is not a religion and like Theosophy, points to the inter connectedness or similarities within Magickal systems.
    It is fairly well known that the Vernal Equinox was not celebrated until fairly recently among Witches, just one more excuse to meet, know and remember and eat cookies without guilt.

    BB Brian

  5. shavonna says:

    hi im new to this sit a was orriganly trying to fine someone to swnser my question but on easter morning my aunts rabbits had babies ^_^ perfect timing.
    blessed be
    ps dose anyone know were i can find out more about necromancing?