I learned my lesson. Objects are easy.
1. An Algerian love knot
Casino Royale
Solved by Evn (comment #3).
2. A red Swingline stapler
Office Space
Solved by Evn (comment #1).
3. A camera in the back of a Buddha
The Big Sleep
Solved by George (comment #14).
4. A snakeskin jacket
Wild At Heart
Solved by Lisa (comment #12).
5. An envelope with several unusual stamps
Solved by maurinsky (comment #5).
6. A safety deposit box that isn’t listed on any bank record
Inside Man
Solved by TehipiteTom (comment #11).
7. A porter’s uniform with a missing jacket button
Murder on the Orient Express
Solved by maurinsky (comment #10).
I missed everything! 🙁 (though the only one I would have gotten was 7, and maybe 3)
No Internet allowed at work sucks! 🙁
We missed you, Mel. I moved the trivia from six a.m. to nine a.m. Eastern so that Ken wouldn’t get it all to himself, but you can’t work around everyone’s schedule. Someone’s always first.
And I didn’t even get to it until the afternoon, when everything I knew was already answered……..