Tuesday Trivia: 3/20

1. The one-armed man knocks a bully down in the coffee shop.
Solved by TehipiteTom (comment #2).

2. Singing “Killing Me Softly” at the school talent show is not a good idea.
Solved by TehipiteTom (comment #2).

3. The fat hoodlum’s wife keeps messing with the boss’s laundry machines.
HINT: The actor playing fat hoodlum is best known for comedy and musical comedy, although this is film noir.

4. She is sent to “Camp Climax” for the summer.
Solved by Ken (but he cheated) (comment #5).

5. “I make you very best duck.”
HINT: There are three space launches in this movie.

6. A married couple locked in the basement of a hardware store.
Solved by TehipiteTom (comment #2).

7. He has a friendship with an ice cream vendor in a park, but neither speaks the other’s language.
Solved by TehipiteTom (comment #2).


  1. Cyndi says:

    hmm let’s see is number one the fugitive? number 6 might be blast from the past?

  2. TehipiteTom says:

    #1 is Bad Day at Black Rock. #2 is About a Boy. Is #4 But I’m a Cheerleader? #6 is It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. #5 could be A Christmas Story. #7 is Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai.

  3. deblipp says:

    Tom! Holy shit!

    (But no on #4 and #5.)

  4. TehipiteTom says:

    Finally…some movies I’ve actually seen. 😉

  5. Ken says:

    #4 is Lolita…. but only because I Googled it. Tom got 6 and 7, which I knew…..

  6. Roberta says:

    I was thinking Christmas Story as well, only I know you hate it.

  7. TehipiteTom says:

    De hat’s A Christmas Story? How is that possible?

  8. TehipiteTom says:

    Oh, and Googling isn’t ‘cheating’. It’s being resourceful.

  9. George says:

    What does it take to beat totally trivially terrific Tom here? Wow!

  10. deblipp says:

    De has never actually gotten all the way through A Christmas Story; it gives me the heebie jeebies. I liked the radio version.

  11. TehipiteTom says:

    George, for whatever it’s worth this is coming after a long losing streak.

    De has never actually gotten all the way through A Christmas Story; it gives me the heebie jeebies. I liked the radio version.

    Huh. Weird.

    But yeah, the radio version–when I was a kid my dad used to listen to Jean Shepherd all the time, and I loved it. Just hilarious stuff. Garrison Keillor owes a lot of his schtick to Jean Shepherd.

  12. Roberta says:

    And I have often referred to David Sedaris as a modern day Jean Shepherd. Particularly because of the Christmas connection.

  13. George says:

    I’ve never seen it, but there has to be a Bond in here (no?), so is #5 Moonraker?

  14. deblipp says:

    George, it’s not Moonraker, but you’re definitely using your head.