Friday Catblogging: In Yer Face

The following monologue accompanies this photo:

You were away my GOD away for a week pet me pet me I missed you are you staying PET ME I’m right here where were you you were away PET ME.



  1. Jarred says:

    Isn’t it nice to be missed?

  2. ahab says:


    We really live in their houses…

  3. deblipp says:

    She really is so demanding about being petted. I mean SO demanding.

    I wish I could get a good shot of her eyes; she squints at the flash. She has the sweetest big round eyes, like a doll.

  4. Amy says:

    With the squint, she looks more like, “I’m judging you.”

    But I like the monologue…it’s what my dog says every time I get home.

  5. konagod says:

    The “demanding” part cracks me up. One of mine will nudge me and if I don’t do the full facial rub she then start pushing her head her my hand really hard, butting it then pushing under again. Sometimes she licks my hand THEN rubs really hard against it. This is what I call a “forced grooming”

  6. konagod says:

    I am in need of bifocals. That 2nd sentence made no sense whatsoever but I’m sure you can figure it out.

  7. deblipp says:

    Kona, that’s EXACTLY what Fanty does. To which I always respond “I feel so used.”

  8. Nina says:

    Awwwwww, how cute!

    Miss you bunches!