Oh, right. I DO have something to say.

Arr, me hearties.


  1. Evn says:

    Me co-workers waren’t willin’ te speak in the tongue of swabs, no matter how hard’n I tried to encarage ’em. Some of th’ lot had to walk th’ plank and swim with ol’ Davey Jones, iffen to teach a right lesson the th’ rest o’ th’ landlubbers.


  2. Evn says:

    I’m sorry, that should’ve read “…iffen to teach a right lesson to th’ rest o’ th’ landlubbers.”

    Pirates don’t type good.

  3. Roberta says:

    I don’t get it.

    I just don’t. The whole pirate thing. don’t get it.

    (‘cept I’d probably be pretty happy running off with a bunch of ’em.)

  4. Evn says:

    Nothing to get. Just pirate-speak for the hell of it Re: yar!

  5. TehipiteTom says:

    I totally suck at talking like a pirate. I could do pretty well on talk like a lawyer day, though.

  6. deblipp says:

    I didn’t used to get it, but if you just do it, it’s fun.