Property of a Lady is Two Years Old

My blogiversary date is fuzzy, as I explained on my one year Blogiversary. In addtion, the Name the Blog contest wasn’t until December of 2005, so I wasn’t actually Property of a Lady at first.

Yet, there must be a date, and October 14 is it. I celebrate the me that is me. Also forcing myself to write a lot. Also having fun chatting with folks who come and visit.

Yay me.


  1. OhKen says:

    And you still haven’t run out of things to talk about….. Mouthy broad, aincha…. 😉

  2. deblipp says:


  3. Roberta says:

    You blog on with your bad self.

  4. maurinsky says:

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  5. Phydeaux says:

    Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!


  6. Kathy says:

    Happy anniversary, Deborah!