The Meme of Fours

While having holidays and recovering from same, and while being on the road (at the Uncle’s…tell ya later), meming (new verb!) is the easy way to blog. From Shakespeare’s Sister:

Four jobs you’ve had in your life: Researcher director, Technical writer, Administrative Assistant, Telemarketer

Four movies you could watch over and over: (Taking a page from Shakespeare’s Sister here, and NOT repeating any from 7×7)
1. It Happened One Night
2. As Good As It Gets
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. From Russia With Love

Four places you’ve lived: Ashfield, Mass., Closter, NJ, Astoria, NY, Alameda, CA

Four TV shows you love to watch: House, MD, E.R., Star Trek: The Next Generation, West Wing

Four places you’ve been on vacation: Sherman, NY, Queensland, Australia, Darlington, MD, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Four websites you visit daily: IMDb, Daily Kos, My Yahoo,

Four of your favorite foods: Bagels & lox with all the fixings, sushi, an Indian feast with biryani and various breads & chutneys, greasy American breakfast (scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, home fries)

Four places you’d rather be: The beach. Bed. Calcutta. Corfu.


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    I wasn’t in love with Corfu. Lots of chubby Brits eating baked beans on toast for breakfast. Way too many people of all varieties. Karpathos was a lot cooler, although that was 17 years ago so it’s probably been ruined as well.

  2. deblipp says:

    It’s one of the most beautiful of the Bond locations (For Your Eyes Only). That’s really all I know about it.