Happy Birthday Captain Tightpants!

Today is Nathan Fillion’s birthday.

I just can’t believe it’s not a national holiday.

Captain Tightpants

It’s also my best friend Barbara’s birthday. Happy Birthday Barbs!


  1. Roberta says:

    My office is closed.

  2. paula says:

    He was the evil priest on Buffy, wasn’t he?

  3. Barbara says:

    Thanks Deb!!

  4. deblipp says:

    Your welcome, Babs.

    Yes, Paula. Joss felt so bad about Firefly being cancelled that he made an effort to get his stars work on his other shows. Nathan Fillion was Caleb, Gina Torres was Jasmine, Jonathan Edwards had roles on both Buffy and Angel, etc.

  5. Jaspenelle says:

    *fangirlish dreamy sigh* Oh why did they ever cancel Firefly…