Hothouse Flowers

So I’ve got this new acupuncturist I’m seeing, which I’ll tell you more about later. But she’s a total healthfood nut. I must! eat only whole grains. I must! give up coffee. I must! change my lifestyle, eat a good breakfast, not eat after six p.m., increase my carbs in relation to my other foods, eat only organic, drink more water, transform myself into her except GOD I HOPE much cuter.

And she said to me something that I’ve heard from many healthfood nuts in the past. She said, because I should be eating only organic foods, I should be eating at home. “When I go out to eat,” she said, “I get sick.”

Excuse me? You get sick when you get out. I don’t. This is evidence that you’re healthier than me?

This hypervigilant organic-only diet turns you into a hothouse flower, delicate to a fault to any exposure to the outside world. Me? I’m a dandelion. I thrive anywhere and everywhere. Which is better? I dunno, but I sure like being able to leave the hothouse.


  1. Tracy says:

    I’ve been told that if I ever want to have a balanced “chi” I need to give up coffee completely.

    I’m fairly certain I don’t like my chi enough to give up coffee. Besides, I’ve gotten rather used to being off balance!

  2. Christina says:

    I believe it’s of the ‘I’m not used to the chemicals! the chemicals in the food! So many chemicals that cause deaaath!’ attitude.

    While I personally try to eat local, organic, seasonal, unprocessed, high-fructose corn syrup free, etc… as much as possible, I also try to avoid the ‘holier than thou’ attitude that can come with it. And enjoy a good McDonald’s cheeseburger every once in a while. Also, if you’re going to try to live a locavore lifestyle and live in an urban area (and are therefore unable to garden), well, you better double or triple your food budget.

  3. Tina says:

    I am with you on this one. Its the same thing with parents who shield their kids from dirt and germs hyper-vigilantly. I knew someone who’s kids ended up having a to have a nebulizer treatment everyday when they started preschool because they couldn’t handle the germs.

    lol we, on the other hand, ran around and got dirty and collected bugs and leaves and built forts in the woods, etc and grew up just fine thankyouverymuch.

  4. Ken says:

    I don’t know about a balanced chi, but without coffee to get me to work I sure as hell ain’t gonna have a balanced budget……

  5. Kathy says:

    I was told once that to work magic properly, I had to become a vegan. Which means I had to become a fish-aterian, then a vegetarian, then a vegan. They had a step-by-step process they were explaining me in the car.

    My response?

    Listening quietly, nodding, saying, “Mmmhmmm,” while pulling into the drive through at McDonald’s.

  6. Joe says:

    Is that what I did wrong? I left them AT the drive through. Ok. Note to self. Be more tolerant of nutters. Just so I am clear…why?