Site Stuff

I had to add the word “blog” to my moderated word list (along with viagra, cialis, and texas holdem). There’s a new kind of blogger spam, not nearly as entertaining as some, that generates fake bland comments. They generally say things like “Great blog! I agree!” Or “Keep up the good work. Love the blog!” The purpose is to embed their site link (attached to the username) to the comments.

So if you mention your blog, or indeed if you link to blogspot, you’ll be briefly held in moderation. Sorry about that.

By the way, I know I’m getting a lot of new readers lately, so if that’s you and you’re not familiar with my work, please check out my parent site. /commercial message


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    I wondered why my comments were suddenly being moderated. Huh.

  2. deblipp says:

    I think it’s better to moderate you than to let that crap float around in my comments, even briefly.

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    Fair enough. I could also just not include my blog link.

    It’s funny–I haven’t gotten much comment spam at all. Not sure if HaloScan is less susceptible, or what.