Another Day, Another Meme

Got this from Shakespeare’s Sister:

Accent: Pretty strong New York accent, I’m told, although I was raised in New Jersey.

Booze: Vodka (Stoli) martini with a twist.

Chore I Hate: Washing the floor. If anything could ever make a person feel like Cinderella…!

Dog or Cat: Cats!

Essential Electronics: Computer, duh.

Favorite Cologne: Spellbound

Gold or Silver: Silver. Very lunar & witchy.

Hometown: I don’t identify with any one town. I live in Rockland County, NY but I still think of myself as a Jersey Girl.

Insomnia: Very rarely, but with the disk problem in my neck, I don’t sleep well.

Job Title: Technical Writer. Or Queen, take your pick.

Kids: Arthur

Living Arrangements: Townhouse condo; me, Arthur, and the Gang of Two

Most Admirable Traits: Honesty (bluntness, even); loyalty; willingness to communicate fairly and openly

Number of Sexual Partners: More than Shakes. More than any of the ones linked at Shakes.

Overnight Hospital Stays: Most recently, knee surgery in 2003, I was in the hospital from Tuesday through Friday. Before that, I think the only time was when I was five. (On edit) Oh, yeah, there was this other thing. Not going there.

Phobias: Car washes

Quote: “Just go ahead and admit you’re an asshole. You would be in some good company.”

Religion: Wicca

Siblings: One older brother. Four younger sisters. One younger brother. Two step-sisters.

Time I Wake Up: The alarm goes off at seven during the week. Weekends I can stay in bed as late as nine.

Unusual Talent or Skill: I can lick my nose, cross my eyes one at a time, and bend my fingers back to touch my wrist. This makes me very special.

Vegetable I Love: Almost all of them, but fiddlehead ferns make me shudder with delight.

Worst Habit: I have a blurty thing. And my voice is too loud.

X-Rays: Gazillions. I think my left leg must glow in the dark. I have to say the screws in my knee are very entertaining on an x-ray.

Yummy Foods I Make: My specialties are my goat cheese primavera, my marsala portobellos, my breaded spinach, and my split pea soup.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus with a Capricorn moon and a Scorpio ascendant.

Roberta, Arthur, and Tom, you’re tagged.


  1. OhKen says:

    I’ll play…..

    Accent: Pretty neutral – could be a radio announcer.

    Booze: Gimme rum lads…. rum ’til I float!

    Chore I Hate: Cleaning the bathrooms.

    Dog or Cat: I like cats but I have dogs.

    Essential Electronics: Computer, DVD player.

    Favorite Cologne: None. I don’t like stinky stuff……

    Gold or Silver: Neither, really. My wedding ring is gold, but that’s the only jewelry I wear.

    Hometown: Wherever I hang my hat is home…. although I’ve never lived far from Philadelphia.

    Insomnia: Occasionally – usually after drinking.

    Job Title: Senior End User Support Analyst. I wanted it to be Specialist, so I could be SEUSS, but they wouldn’t go for it. Poopyheads.

    Kids: Cailean

    Living Arrangements: Split level in the burbs with the wife, son, dogs, barbecue, lawnmower…. the whole middle class works.

    Most Admirable Traits: A friend to all mankind.

    Number of Sexual Partners: I’m into monagamy and relationships, and shy. 3.

    Overnight Hospital Stays: Age 8 – tonsillectomy and removal of a cyst behind my knee – 2 days. Age 15 – shattered my left elbow, 3 weeks in traction.

    Phobias: Claustrophobia, acrophobia

    Quote: I am not a quotable person.

    Religion: Non-practicing Unitarian-Universalist.

    Siblings: Two older sisters, one younger brother.

    Time I Wake Up: The alarm goes off at 5:45 during the week. Weekends I could stay in bed as late as 8:00, if the fucking dogs would let me.

    Unusual Talent or Skill: I can do the Spock eyebrow thing with either eye, which I never knew other people couldn’t do.

    Vegetable I Love: Fresh picked corn on the cob.

    Worst Habit: Picking my nose.

    X-Rays: Only my elbow (see “hospital stays” above).

    Yummy Foods I Make: Spaghetti sauce, leek and potato soup, chocolate cheesecake, and a really gross and disgusting so-unhealthy-it’s-not-funny Spam sandwich.

    Zodiac Sign: All I know is Aries – couldn’t give you any more particulars.

  2. deblipp says:

    Ken, elbow, ow.

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    If you think your screws are entertaining, check out the nails in this guy’s head.