Friday Catblogging: Waiting for the door

I just love the way he sits at the door and waits. Fanty will mewl, but Mingo just sits there, like assuming that I’ll mosey along and open it for him.

Open sesame


  1. Ken says:

    Ever read Heinlein’s “The Door Into Summer”? The hero lives in a house with eleven outside doors, and in the winter his cat makes him open all eleven doors just to check the weather…. always looking for the door into summer.

  2. deblipp says:

    I never read that one. You think you’ve read all of Heinlein, and there’s always one more hiding somewhere…

  3. konagod says:

    That is a BEAUTIFUL cat!

  4. deblipp says:

    Thank you. He has some great markings and a nice shape. I mean, we love them all, whether or not they’re beautiful, but he is really a looker.

  5. Kathy says:

    Gorgeous kitty! One of our sweet former kitties (who has gone on to her reward) used to say “out” quite clearly when she wanted to go outside.