What you want is what I want is

So, while we’re voting, consider this: Weekly movie trivia quizzes or James Bond trivia quizzes or mixed-use trivia quizzes.

Just a thought.


  1. OhKen says:

    I loves me some quizzez…..

  2. TehipiteTom says:

    Weekly movie trivia quizzes or James Bond trivia quizzes or mixed-use trivia quizzes.

    I vote yes.

    So where’s my medication? I want my medication now.

    Or, I could just have another Martini.

  3. deblipp says:

    You have a martini, Tom.

    Keep voting, folks. I’ll decide next week.

  4. Dan says:

    Vote well,vote often.

  5. Dan says:

    Just in internet polls though.