The Magical Mystery Meme

I’ve been meme-tagged.

Four of the following things are absolutely true about me, and one is not.

1) When I was 14, a bunch of friends and I stole (”borrowed”) the school truck (private boarding school). We figured not to get caught by rolling into the school parking lot with the lights out. Which we did at the exact moment that a school trip in the van was arriving back at school, with two teachers and a bunch of students all staring at us.

2) Many years ago (1982 or ’83) I worked for a small branch of a very large corporation. My boss was fired under mysterious circumstances, accused of orchestrating a large scam, thieving from the company and yadda yadda. In 1999, I became friends with a group of movie fans via the ‘net. One of them turned out to have taken over as my old boss’s boss.

3) I get all OCD about my chairs. I have ONE chair in my kitchen that I sit in (we call it “my spot”) and ONE part of the living room couch. If a guest takes either of these chairs I get all oogly.

4) I used to date Ben Vereen’s nephew. He would regale my daily with stories about Broadway stars he had met and heard about, and backstage shenanigans. He had particularly nasty things to say about Billy Dee Williams. I never met Uncle Ben (teehe) but I heard so much about him. Via Uncle Ben, my ex seemed to have met every black person who ever appeared on Broadway. In fact, one time we were watching The Grifters, and Bob had something to say about Pat Hingle, and I was like “But he’s white!” Which made Bob laugh.

5) I have a gap between two of my back teeth that I floss constantly. Everything gets stuck back there. Ew, nasty.

Okay, I tag Tom, Amy, and Evn.


  1. Daven says:

    I think #1 is false. all the others I can believe, but #1 strikes me somehow as not being real.

  2. Roberta says:

    Meant to tell you that I found my floss.
    I actually do not know which of these are false. 2, 4, and 5 are all plausible but do not ring bells. 1 and 3 I think are true.
    How’s that for a useless inside non-scoop from the sister?

  3. I am going to guess 3 is a lie. 🙂

  4. deblipp says:

    I worked hard to come up with things that could plausibly stump my sister so that you could play too, Roberta.

  5. Creature says:

    I vote for chair OCD thing.

  6. Roberta says:

    4. I’m going with 4. You’d think someone would have mentioned this to me.

  7. Barbs says:

    number 1

  8. Evn says:

    Geez, you forget to blog for a month, and then people are tagging all over you.

    But I’ll see what I can come up with.

  9. Evn says:

    Oh yeah:

    …and having OCD, floss and mysterious-circumstance issues in my own past, I vote #4 as well.