So I had about twenty people in my house Saturday night. Good time. And someone pranked me.
Two pairs of drawers in the dresser were switched. Someone actually removed two drawers, put them in each others’ place, and then did it again. They’re a little bit heavy, too.
The light bulbs in my only bedroom lamp were loosened just enough so that the light didn’t go on.
Two framed pictures in the dining room were switched.
The calendar in the kitchen was turned to June.
So I’m thinking, this is the stupidest prank ever. The lamp actually went right over my head. I went to turn it on as I was getting in bed and I thought, Oh, must be loose bulbs, and tightened them. I have no idea why I thought that but it didn’t even occur to me it was a prank until the next day.
It’s not like it’s crazy funny or elaborate, like the foil office. It’s not a look-on-her-face prank, ’cause (1) they didn’t see me, and (2) I wasn’t exactly shocked. Mildly befuddled. There could be no thrilling “wait’ll she…” thoughts, because seriously, no water splashed upon my head, my hands did not turn blue, I didn’t faint or laugh or scream or giggle or fall down. So what was the point?
There was, I should point out, a lot of booze and food and drums and funny people downstairs, so leaving all that to go upstairs and switch drawers strikes me as not as much fun.
So. Dumb prank. Meaning one of my friends is…not very creative.