
My friend has a newborn daughter. He is, like most new fathers, head over heels, and has chosen to express it in a unique way.

Gorgeous Tattoo

We’ve talked before about the spirituality and meaning of tattooing, I thought this this was an exquisite and moving example of how we can transform ourselves with sacred marks. Here is a symbol that is both an expression of love and of commitment. My friend Steve will never be apart from his daughter, because he has chosen to place her on his arm. He carries her literally and figuratively. He shows the world that he is permanently changed by becoming a father. This is really everything that a tattoo can be.


In a few minutes:Correction: This was a taping session. It will air Sunday, December 24, at about 6:45 am.

9:30 am WRKI, Fairfield County, CT

And tonight:
5:10 pm, Jack Evans on WMBS-CBS in Uniontown, Pennsylvania

Tuesday Trivia Time: Mostly Quotes

(But not all.) Guess the movie.

1. The writer originally wanted to call it “Andrew’s Ark.”
Solved by Amy.

2. “I don’t remember yesterday. Today it rained.”
Solved by Amy.

3. “The gun is good. The penis is evil.”
Solved by Danny Hostetter.

4. “I deserve a lot of tat for what I’ve got to give.”
Solved by SAP.

5. Man: “I’ll give you the moon.” Woman: “I’ll take it.”
Solved by Daven.

6. A late-night walk in the flower district, and a kiss in front of a truck full of flowers.
Hint: A romance adapted from a stage play.
Hint: Gender-bending period piece.
Double plus good hint: The film was controversial because the romance was about a “homely” woman and yet a major Hollywood beauty was given the role (out from under the award-winning star of the stage show).
Solved (at last) by Melville.

7. She must pose for her portrait bare-breasted to prove she is a woman.
Hint: Gender-bending period piece.
Double plus good hint: A “backstage” so-called almost romance on this film broke up a well known “Indie Hollywood” couple.

Monday Movie Review: Little Caesar

Little Caesar (1931) 9/10
Caesar Enrico Bandello (Edward G. Robinson) works his way up through the gangs of Chicago, bringing along his old friend Joe Massara (Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.). As Rico rises in the ranks, Joe becomes less interested in crime and more interested in his dancing career and his girlfriend Olga (Glenda Farrell).

Little Caesar is remarkable on a number of levels. First is simply its raw energy. This is a gangster movie that simply bursts onto the screen. Robinson, as Rico, is a primal force of pride, avarice, and violence. Robberies and murders happen quickly and often off-screen, showing us brutal sketches of the criminals rather than the crimes. Next is the acting, primarily Robinson’s. He is truly iconic. It’s amazing to me that in this, his most parodied performance, a role that is as much reminiscent of Bugs Bunny as of anything else, he still manages to convince.

And then, halfway through the movie, I discover that this is the most homoerotic movie the 1930s ever produced. Forget James Whale, this is the real deal!

The light goes on when gang member Otero (George E. Stone) gazes lovingly at Rico and gets into bed with him. Yes, indeed. Rico is laying down, Otero tells him how wonderful and tough and cool and fabulous he is, while laying down next to him. The next scene has Rico being fitted for a tux. He stands up on a table to see into the mirror, and Otero stands in front of him on the floor, so that his head is exactly in blowjob position. Otero grooms him while Rico preens. Holy cow, is this ever blatant!

The key, though, is how profoundly jealous of Olga Rico is; he is compelled to compete with her for Joe’s affections. Joe has virtually left the gang, and Rico wants him back. He tells Joe he will kill Olga unless Joe returns to his side. In a moment of paranoia, he tells Otero he must threaten Joe because otherwise Joe and Olga will turn him in. But only after the threat is made do Joe and Olga realize they have no choice but to do so. This is classic jealous lover behavior (and atypical, I think, for a gang boss, who wouldn’t give people with such dangerous information so much leeway). This is, at its heart, a love story.

The movie is laughable about gangs in a way that simply delights me. In Little Caesar, gang violence exists in a vacuum, it just is; following its own rules that are disconnected from the real world in a way that is like nothing so much as little boys playing Cops & Robbers. In a way, this is part of the gay game; it’s not really a gangster movie, you see, so there’s no need for the gangsters to be real. Contrast this movie with The Public Enemy (1931), which shows something like a cultural context for becoming a criminal, or with Scarface (1932), which has a much firmer grasp on the real results of violence.

In Little Caesar, Rico takes over the gang by telling the gang boss he just doesn’t have it anymore. That’s it. The boss caves. There are no repercussions from the higher echelons (eventually, he is rewarded), no betrayals from within, nor thought of reprisals. He just decides to take over, stakes his claim, and it’s done. I love this! Because, y’know, gangsters aren’t so tough if you just talk tougher.

This is, of course, part of the love affair the film has with Rico. He gets to take over because he’s so hot when he does.

Sunday Meditation: Receiving Love

Take a moment today to notice the state of being loved.

No matter who you are, someone loves you. It may be your family, it may be an appreciative coworker, it may be that you have abundant friendships, it may be that a stranger from time to time notices you with an open and compassionate heart.

No matter who you are, you are loved.

Allow yourself to take that love in. To let it touch you.

Often, we let love wash over us, rather than drink it in. Today, drink love in. Visualize the last person who did something nice for you. Drink it in. Picture the last time someone looked at you with kindness in their eyes. Drink it in. Remember the feeling of your last hug. Drink it in. Remember opening a present. Drink it in.

Notice a world around you, full of available love, and allow yourself to experience being a part of that world.

It was, indeed, an honor to be nominated

Well, it seems I came in third. It was oddly thrilling to be a finalist in a contest I didn’t really know existed, yet I cannot express too much disappointment over losing. Because of the not knowing it existed thing. The winner seems very nice, although I find the appeal of mommy blogs fairly limited, it warms my heart that it’s a lesbian mommy blog as opposed to some bizarro world arch conservative I have ten kids because birth control is against God oh my God I’m tired mommy blog.

Inasmuch as awards like this can be said to have a purpose, I suppose the purpose is to increase traffic to small blogs like ours (me and Liza, the lesbian mom, I mean). It would be nice to have picked up new readers from this.

Meanwhile, things here at the blog are going to change. I suppose it would have been ironic to win for a blog that gets revamped the following week. I have been concerned about the mixed-use nature of my blog. Seems like I don’t have much of an identity as a blog. The blog confuses people as much as I do. Well, there was some synergy in that notion because my publisher wants me to start a James Bond blog. That’ll break off the Bond stuff from Property of a Lady (itself ironic, since this blog’s title is Bond-derived), and leave us here with politics, movies, feminism, cats, and Wicca. Already plenty mixed-use if you ask me. I’ll probably also cross-post at least some of the Bond stuff to both blogs.

I’m in the process of setting the Bond blog up for launch. I’ll be back here with more announcements as that happens.

Friday Catblogging: Fanty Shapes

Today’s catblogging is devoted to the shapes that Fanty can turn herself into.

Round and squinty
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Answers to Tuesday Trivia

Here they are:

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2006 Weblog Awards

The 2006 Weblog Awards

You can vote for Property of a Lady under “Best of the Rest” once per day per computer, so those of you with multiple computers, go wild! (Also, check out the other wonderful finalists; the field for “Best Liberal Blog” is exceptionally rich.)

(And yes, I’m editing this so it stays on top. Vote vote vote. I‘m in second place. Borrow friend’s computers and vote from there as well. Tell your friends. Tell your moms.)

Don’t say I never did nuthin’ for ya

Lots of hints were needed for Tuesday Trivia. So I provided them.

Update: Two remain unsolved. Only one to go!