Tuesday Trivia: Quotes of the 1930s

1. You know you’ve got the brain of a four-year old child, and I bet he was glad to get rid of it.
Solved by Ken (comment #3).

2. I never did like the idea of sitting on newspapers. I did it once, and all the headlines came off on my white pants. On the level! It actually happened. Nobody bought a paper that day. They just followed me around over town and read the news on the seat of my pants.
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

3. She’s a female! And all females is poison! They’re full of wicked wiles!
Solved by Ken (comment #3).

4. Now, hold on! Hold on. Don’t get excited here. I’m just tryin’ to tell you that I ain’t got any guns. You see if I woulda had a gun then, why, one of us might have been hurt and it might be me. I wouldn’t want that to happen… would I?
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

5. Well, I guess you can’t break out of prison and into society in the same week.
Solved by George (comment #4).

6. I think I’ll have a large order of prognosis negative!
Solved by Hogan (comment #5).

7. Look, someone upstairs is playing musical chairs with an elephant. Move one of them out, will you? I want to get some sleep.
Solved by George (comment #4).

I totally don’t get why people blurt evil things at me

You know, sometimes when women are pregnant, people say inappropriate things. Maybe give too many scary details about labor or tell them “you’ll never sleep again” and other things that are kind of overwhelming to someone who’s already committed. I’ve probably done that myself more than twice.

But you know what people don’t do? They don’t say “You will hate it,” “You will wish the baby had never been born,” “You might consider open adoption instead,” “I heard about this woman who killed her baby,” “He’ll undoubtedly disappoint you once he’s born,” “You’re going to screw this up.” You don’t hear that so much.

When people get married, again, lots of unsolicited advice, some of which is wildly inappropriate, but mostly not “Well, when you get divorced, you’re going to be pretty fucking broke for a while, so maybe you should learn some rice and beans recipes now.”

But that feels like ninety percent of what people say to me when I tell them my son is going into college. I mean, I posted here about my leap of faith, and the comments were fucking scary. No one said, “yay for faith” or “congratulations” or “you must be so proud,” and I really would have liked to hear that. I’m almost afraid to tell anyone now, because I hear all that scary stuff every day, from all manner of people.

Truly I don’t get it. I know it’s scary. And I know people are just sharing their own experiences and I appreciate that. But this is a vulnerable transition for us, a life passage, a time of celebration and rebirth and yes, fear. And damn if I wouldn’t love some support. And I have no right, really, to post my business all over the Internet and then scold people for their responses, but did I mention how I also blurt inappropriately? Yeah. So this is maybe one of those. But I just don’t understand why people are SO negative. Like it’s a mistake to go to college. Or to pay for it. Or to be excited about it. Or something. And this is like pregnancy, people. If you keep telling me this shit, the baby’ll be born cross-eyed or something.

Monday Movie Review: The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed (1976) 8/10
In the final days of World War II, an unlikely plan to kidnap Winston Churchill seems as if it might succeed. Directed by John Sturges.

I believe this is what is meant by a “corker.” What a cast of characters! What a delightful assortment of oddities and quirks, and what an adventure!

The oddest thing about The Eagle Has Landed is that our “heroes” are all Nazis or Nazi collaborators. Tom Mankiewicz‘s screenplay goes to great lengths to give most of them motivations that are palatable to the audience; Col. Steiner (Michael Caine), for example, is court-marshalled for attempting to help a Jewish woman escape being transported to a concentration camp. But Himmler (Donald Pleasance) has given the highest authority to this kidnapping plot, and so Col. Radl (Robert Duvall) gets Steiner and his men—crack paratroopers—released.

The fact remains, you’re rooting for Nazis. It’s “safe” to do so because you know their plot fails and the war is essentially already lost, and because there is virtually no Nazism per se in the film (except for a brief remark about the “order” that England lacks). It’s pretty much World War II as convenient backdrop for an adventure story.

And it really is a terrific adventure, with a little humor, a little slapstick, a lot of action, and a touch of romance. Donald Sutherland, as an Irishman working to defeat England to further the cause of a united Ireland, is terrific. He arrives in a small village, where Churchill is scheduled to vacation, in advance of the paratroopers; befriending locals, learning the lay of the land, and preparing for the attack. Meanwhile, he gets into fights, falls for a local girl, and does a generally poor job of maintaining a low profile. He’s certainly the best part of the movie.

(And by the way, this movie passes Mo’s Movie Measure: The interaction of local women is crucial, even though most of the characters are men.)

You can already tell it’s a kickass cast, and I didn’t even mention Jean Marsh, Larry Hagman, Treat Williams, or Jenny Agutter. The movie looks good (production design by Bond veteran Peter Murton) and moves beautifully.

The primary downside is the accents, many of which swallow the German names so badly that I had to use the IMDb to figure out who was who.

There’s less to say about this film because it’s fundamentally meaningless; it’s meant only for fun, and it provides fun. It’s one of those movie that makes the rounds on television, and it’s worth catching.

Totally the most important post of the week

Joss Whedon writes about Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along:


“Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” will be streamed, LIVE (that part’s not true), FREE (sadly, that part is) right on Drhorrible.com, in mid-July. Specifically:

ACT ONE (Wheee!) will go up Tuesday July 15th.

ACT TWO (OMG!) will go up Thursday July 17th.

ACT THREE (Denouement!) will go up Saturday July 19th.

Read it all! And sing along!


I’ve been doing the meditation series for two years. At this moment, I feel like I don’t have that much more to say on the topic.

I would like to keep Sundays for Pagan-oriented topics. This is a mixed-use blog, and I do personal, movie, and political stuff, as well as Pagan stuff, during the week, whenever I feel like it. But I do feel it’s good for me and good for my readers to have at least one very Pagan post every week.

If there are any requests, I’m delighted to hear them. I was thinking, I dunno, spells, or folklore, elemental stuff (an elemental concept, association, etc.), gods, etc. Any of these might make a robust weekly topic for the next two years.

Let me know what you think.

I have only one thing to say today


» Read more..

A bad way to start the day

I was attacked by ants. In my car.

Okay, not in a Them! sort of way. And not like that Charlton Heston movie with Eleanor Parker in the jungle. More like, a few ants. Okay, and they didn’t actually attack. Still.

Every morning I put on sunscreen before pulling out of the garage. Today, a little black ant crawled off the sunscreen bottle up my arm. Ick. And then, I reached over to the seat for something (lipstick?) and there was another one. And then, about fifteen minutes later, I was looking at some papers while at a red light, and a fucking NOTHER one crawled up the papers. And then two more came out of my purse while I was at my desk at work.

Where did they come from? Is it safe to get back into my car? Or open my purse? I do not sincerely know. But I! Am NOT! Happy!

She’s awake and eating

Orien just sent me a picture of Orien Rose. I’m not posting a picture of a girl in a hospital gown all over the Internets, but she looks damn good. Sitting up, eating breakfast, signing “I love you” to the camera (Orien is a Sign Language Interpreter, and Orien Rose knows a little Sign as well).

Got permission from the parents; but I’m having trouble with my picture editor, so go here.

Orien Rose: Hurray!

Okay, I don’t have all the details yet, but everything went really, really well. She has a skull. The surgical team says they’re DONE inside her head. Like, done. There was very little bleeding, so healing should be fast. I’ll get this out to my mailing list later.

Thank you all for your help.

Christine has written today’s diary here.

Tuesday Do-It-Yourself Vowel Trivia

In honor of Orien Rose, all movies must start with a vowel.

I’ll start you with an easy one, and then you go on and post the next question.

Easy one:

“Falling Slowly”